To get started, click Create In-app Message in the In-app Message tab, to open the message creation wizard and select On-Event Action Message. The main steps of creating a campaign are:

Scheduling step is only available if the recipient source is using a segment. Also by default, the new campaign receives the highest priority.
1. Message settings
Define the General settings of your brand new In-app message campaign.
General settings
- Message name – You can name (or later rename) your In-app message to identify the campaign on the In-app Messages tab.
- Mobile app – You can select the mobile application on which you want to display your message notification. You can send your message only to one application. Only apps already associated with your account are listed here.
Source Settings
The options for Recipient source settings are as follows:
- Broadcast - Send to all contacts on mobile devices.
- Audience - Send to contacts that are part of an automation program or you can select a pre-built segment, if you are using a segment for your recipient source.
- Push message - Activate the campaign then create a push message linking to it.
Segment: Update audience from segment
Select the pre-configured segment-based audience from the drop-down list.
- Optionally, you can check the Update audience from segment option to select the frequency when the segment is going to be updated by In-app.

In In-app, an audience is a subset of the target segment, because an SDK event (user action) must occur for the message to be sent. A segment only determines the eligibility for the message, but the audience determines whether the contact receives it.
One should use this checkbox to update an audience from a segment periodically according to audience's wish. For example, a Marketer wants to change the segment every 12 hours for a push campaign, but would rather leave the chance for different audiences to receive In-app campaign from the original segment to improve In-app campaign result.
You should consider the following when using the "Update audience from segment once every X hours" setting:
- The use case of your segment
- Do you expect your segment to change within a day?
- Doing a workout once a day vs clicking a link
- Do you expect your segment to change within a day?
- Expected usage frequency of your app
- Do you expect your users to interact often with your app in a day?
- A sport tracker app is likely to be used once a day
- It is enough to set the update frequency to every 24 hours, your targets are likely to be using the app and doing a workout once per day
- Setting it to more frequent might cause unnecessary runs
- A news app is likely to be used multiple times a day
- It is recommended to set the update frequency to 1-3 hours to get everyone using your app
- A sport tracker app is likely to be used once a day
Mobile Engage segmentation is included in the universal segmentation feature of Emarsys, available in the Contacts > Segments menu. For details, see Creating Mobile Engage segments.
Apply segment criteria for devices
Optionally, you can apply segment criteria for devices with various conditions.
Tick the Apply segment criteria for devices checkbox to enable device level filtering. By ticking this option, the Conditions drop-down list is appearing.
In the Conditions drop-down list you can select a segment criteria for mobile devices. If you initially created the segment and you added device level criteria here you can select that segment. The earlier set device level condition will be taken into consideration when sending a push message.
If you want to specify a device level condition you can do so by creating Mobile Engage segments. Here you can only verify that device level conditions specified when created a segment and these conditions are really taken into account.
An example of device-level conditions is to target a specific OS platform. Therefore if the contact has 2 registered devices, e.g. iPhone and Android, the contact is only received the message on the targeted OS device. Device-level conditions are also useful as the contact list does not display device information like OS platform, OS version etc.

When you are finished with your general settings, click Save & Next to save your message for the first time.
2. Content creation
In the Content creation step is where to add the event that is to happen when the campaign is received.
Click on Add Action to create the first campaign event.
Choose the Event Type. The options are:
- Application Event- To trigger an app event using key and value pair.
- Custom Event- To fire a custom event, which could be used to trigger for a campaign or segmentation.
- External URL- To send the contact to an external URL in the browser.
- Deep Link- To fire a deep link using a deep link ID and URL.
For External URL or Deep Link, insert the URL. For Application and Custom Events, it is required to enter the following fields:
- ID - The ID of the button to be used for reporting purposes.
- Name - The Name of the button to be used for reporting purposes.
- Key and Value - The key and value of the action button to be used in the JSON payload.
Click Apply.
3. Scheduling
In the Scheduling section, you can define the campaign trigger.
Can be triggered by a push message toggle button - When you enable this option, the in-app campaign can be targeted from a push campaign, which means it is available for Push-to-In-app action. Learn more.
Set the frequency of the messages and you can define a specific date and time in the future.
In the event trigger section, if event trigger is selected, enter the event name and event attributes conditions that need to be matched in order to trigger the message.
Click Save and Launch once the schedule has been configured.
Click the Cancel scheduled launch button to call off an already launched campaign. For more details, see Canceling a scheduled launch.