Retail and ecommerce apps will allow customers to purchase their products directly through the app. Customers will often add items to their cart or basket and then not complete their purchase for a variety of reasons. In the retail industry cart abandonment is around 70% and whilst the simplified purchase journey provided by mobile apps helps to reduce this on apps to around 20% brands are missing out on revenue by not implementing this journey on mobile. The guide below outlines how an Automation Center program can check when a cart has been abandoned on the app or the web and then send messages to the customer to encourage them to come back and complete their purchase of the contents of their cart.
- Increase revenue
- Increase engagement
- Drive loyalty
Required Features:
- Emarsys SDK
- Automation Center
- Push Notifications
- Web Extend
High Level Use Case Flow
Create the necessary Mobile Segments:
- Segment should be linked to the correct app
- Add a condition for Push Notifications is ‘Enabled’
- Add a condition for Predict Last Abandoned Date Was in the last 1 day
- Create the combined segment of the Mobile and Contact segment
- Segment should be linked to the correct app
- Add a condition for Predict Last Purchase Date was in the past 2 days
Create the Push Notifications
- Link to the correct app
- Link to the correct segment
- Link to Automation Center
- Type the message into the phone preview pane
- Add any images, action buttons or deep links
- Click Ready to Launch once complete
Create a Mobile Engage segment where Push Notifications are ‘Enabled’.
To try to isolate specifically to app cart abandonment (Predict pulls a customers full omni-channel journey together) add in conditions in the Mobile Segment whereby there has been recent mobile activity on the app.
Create a Contact segment where Predict Last Abandoned Date was in the last 1 day.
Create a combined segment of the previous 2 segments.
Create a Contact segment where Predict Last Purchase Date was in the last 2 days.
Push and In-app Campaign creation
- From the Mobile Engage Push Messages tab click Create Push Message to begin creating the notification.
- Fill in the general settings, giving the Push Notification a name, linking it to the app, selecting Recipient source as ‘Automation Center’.
- On the Content Creation page type your message directly into the phone preview pane.
Ensure both the title and main body of the message are populated and the message is concise and clear. Pull in personalisation tokens to reference the customers name.
- Click on the side bar to the left of the preview screen to include functionality such as Action Buttons or deep links.
- Add Action Buttons in the ‘Tap Actions’ tab.
- Add Deep Links in the ‘Custom Data’ tab.
Make sure you deep link to the customers cart/basket in this case to make the customer journey to purchase as quick and seamless as possible and maximise your revenue!
- Once complete click Ready to Launch and your message will be available for selection in the relevant Automation Center program.
- Repeat the above steps for each required message.
Automation Center
- Add a recurring Data Change node looking at the field ‘predict last abandoned date’.
- Add a segment node using the combined segment previously created.
- Add an A/B Splitter node (split by 90% and 10% in you want a control group).
- Add a Mobile Engage Push Message node on the first branch, selecting your previously created Push Notification directing customers back to their basket.
Use the A/B Splitter to experiment with different content or potentially incentives to encourage customers back to complete their basket.
Add ‘predict last abandoned total price’ into your segments to start to branch out dependent on cart value. You may want to offer different messaging or incentives to those customers with higher basket values left behind.
- Add a Wait Node of 2 days on the first branch.
- Add a segment node using the second segment created to check for any purchase on the first branch.
- Add an End Path node on the first branch.
- On the second branch follow the exact same steps except do not include the Push Notification message to create the control group.
It may be worthwhile to test adding in a further reminder Push Message if no purchase is made or alternatively create an omni-channel version of abandonment where mobile is added in to a mix of channels such as email, Digital Ads.
To isolate cart abandonment specifically on the app and target only those customers leaving their baskets on the mobile app more complex, real time journeys can be created via our Interactions solution. Contact your CSM for more details.