Can I use my own icons for the tier badges?
Yes, you can use your own icons. You can upload them by yourself from the icon popup.
Icon requirements:
- Provide the icon in SVG or PNG formats
- The icon size can be a maximum of 200x200 pixels
- The icon must be square-shaped
Why am I not allowed to set requirements for entry into the first tier?
The first tier is the entry level into the Loyalty plan. If you want to set entry requirements before customers can receive benefits associated with the lowest tier, then you must start your redemption plan on tier 2 and allow no redemption for tier 1 members.
Can I award more than one reward per tier?
Yes, you are able to assign more than one reward to a single tier.
How valuable should I make my points?
In our experience, it is best to keep the value of your points low and let customers accumulate them in large numbers. The most recommended definition is 1 point earned per $1/€1 spent. If you run a plan that supports multiple currencies, the flexibility of the system allows you to change both values (X points earned per $/€ spent). You have complete control over the value of points when you define the number of points required to redeem vouchers or benefits.
Can I define different point values in each tier?
Yes you can, this can be an excellent incentive for the higher tiers.
How many tiers to create?
You can have up to 10 tiers, depending on your strategy and plan structure. In our experience, if you decide to go for more than 1 tier, 3-5 tiers will provide the best results in most situations.
If you are considering using more than 5 tiers, please do so, but feel free to discuss this with your Success Manager first.
Just remember that more tiers require a greater investment in customer data, as you will need to know more about your customers in order to be able to differentiate between the tiers with more accuracy and relevance.
Can I delete tiers?
Only before the first launch. While new tiers can be added, existing ones cannot be deleted after being launched. Deleting a tier instantly affects its members and benefits, so if you still want to do that, please contact Emarsys support.
What is the difference between a single-tier and multi-tier plan?
In most cases, there are two main reasons for a one-tier program.
- Quick start with minimum complex decisions that need to be made
- A plan that is essentially based on redeeming points for awards
Note that at any point, you can add more tiers to your plan and change strategy.
A multi-tier plan increases the gamification element and regularly encourages members to upgrade to the next tier. The most significant decision that should be made in this plan is the entry requirements for each tier.
What happens to members’ number of purchases when they change tiers?
In case you added the number of purchases as a tier requirement, then Loyalty checks this as well to determine if the member is entitled to upgrade into a higher tier. After a member upgrades into a higher tier, Loyalty resets that number.
Example: To enter tier 2, you need 1000 points and 2 purchases. To enter tier 3, you need 3000 points and 3 purchases. The member reached 1000 points and made 2 purchases, therefore the member gets upgraded to tier 2. The system now resets the number of purchases, therefore to reach tier 3, the member needs 2000 additional points and 3 new purchases.
This reset of purchases also happens when a member gets downgraded.