Available graphs
There are different graphs available for the different voucher types:
Voucher for rewards:
- Vouchers Attached
- This graph shows how many vouchers have been earned by loyalty members.
- Voucher Codes Exposed
- This graph shows how many vouchers have been exposed in the Wallets of eligible loyalty members.
Voucher for points / Voucher for free:
- Voucher Codes Exposed
- This graph shows how many vouchers have been exposed in the Wallets of eligible loyalty members.
Voucher data
You are able to download the recorded events in CSV format.
Voucher data CSV headers for vouchers for rewards
LoyaltyId,PoolID,Pool Name,Voucher Name,Voucher Value,VoucherID,Voucher Source Type,Voucher Source Name,Status,Voucher Code,Voucher Attachment Date,Voucher Creation Date,Voucher Expiration Date,Date of Voucher Deletion,Voucher Deletion Reason
Click to copy
Voucher data CSV headers for vouchers for points or free
LoyaltyId,PoolID,Pool Name,Voucher Name,Voucher Value,VoucherID,Voucher Code,Voucher Creation Date,Voucher Expiration Date,Date of Voucher Deletion,Voucher Deletion Reason
Click to copy
Voucher Analytics is limited to look back until the 9th of September 2022, as required data was logged only from then on.