As a quick reminder, here is the onboarding video about Email Recommendations:
Email Recommendations
Email recommendations are dynamic images in your email showing a thumbnail image and other product information, such as product name and price. These images are rendered in real-time when the recipient opens the message, to ensure that your customers always see the most relevant and up-to-date product recommendations.

The block to which I want to add the recommendation also has some text under the image. Can I populate this using the recommendation editor?
No, because the product recommendation is itself an image containing several fields rendered into the image itself. For recommendations, you should use blocks that only contain images or images and other optional fields, which you can delete. See the next FAQ.
The image block I selected for the recommendations contains some text or buttons I don't want to show to my customers. How can I disable these?
The image block is a standard product block, in which you can disable any optional element with the Manage optional content tool.
I have a block that only contains images, but I cannot convert it into a product recommendation. Why is that?
The images may not be editable. Please check if they have the e-editable
attribute in their tag.
The product thumbnail looks blurry. Is it possible to get higher resolution images?
Always ensure that you upload high-resolution images larger than the thumbnail size, so that they can be scaled down with no loss of quality.
Which time zone is used for the Recommendations?
The time zone for the predict last session date is in UTC. The last session date is calculated according to the order of the product viewed.
Which products are in the Recommendations if the contact has not purchased or browsed the items yet?
If a contact has no history the recommendations are populated randomly from a fallback list containing the best trending products.