There are around 50 system fields per Emarsys account, with space for an additional 350 custom fields which can be created via the Emarsys user interface. These fields are used in forms and filters, for personalization as well as conditional text, and are used to store the data you import and export.
About custom fields
The figure of 350 custom fields is an estimate, as the total number permitted will depend on the types of fields created. You can add up to 377 additional fields, however you will need to divide them among all type of fields. There are eight different field types, each suited to storing different kinds of data.
Ensure that you select the most suitable field type, as this influences not only how the data is stored, but also which filter conditions are available for segmentation. For example, numbers can be stored in both text fields and alphanumeric fields, but only the latter have the filter conditions "greater than" and "less than".
The eight different field types with their default quotas are as follows:
Field type | Character limit | Quota |
Numeric, Date, Single choice |
24 | 123 |
Short text (text 60), Voucher |
60 | 163 |
Long text (text 255) |
255 | 21 |
Large text (multi line), URL |
1000 | 30 |
Multi choice | 40 | 40 |
Larger field types are compatible with the smaller field types. For example, if you used all 21 long text type, but did not use all 30 large text type then you can create long text type fields. In this case, the new field will use a slot from the large text type quota.
When creating custom fields, please note that their field type cannot be changed. If you would like to use a different type of field, then you need to create a new one.
Creating custom fields
To create a new field (i.e. a custom field) go to the Management menu, Field Editor and click Create Field.
The Field Generator dialog box opens.

- Enter a Name for the field.
Custom field names cannot be longer than 200 characters.
- Select a Type to determine the field format.
- Click Create.
Please note that the following characters and words may not be rendered correctly or prevent the proper working of the platform; therefore, we highly recommend to avoid using them in field names:
( )
Editing custom fields
On the second page of the Field Generator you can define your field in more details:
Click Edit to change the following attributes:
- Name: You can also decide to place the field name in the form either left of choice or above.
- Call for action
- Attributes
Select a Language from the drop-down list to provide the field in other languages.
- Enter the translated terms for Name, Call for action and the Attributes then click Save.
- You can re-select languages from the list. Switch between languages and view or edit the terms you have defined for them.
Field-type attributes and values
You can define and enter the number of attributes for the following types:
- Single choice
- Multiple choice
You can also define the order of available values and a call to action:
- Remove an attribute: Click the 'Trash' icon.
- Define the attribute order: Use the arrow icons.
- Display the attributes in alphabetical order or vice versa: Select either "a-z" or "z-a" and click Apply order.
Please consider the following when creating a Single choice field and changing the order of its attributes:
- Each attributes have two IDs:
- Choice ID: the ID of the actual choice.
- Sort ID: the ID of the place the attribute has in the list of attributes (1st one, 2nd one, etc in the order of attributes).
- When you change the order of attributes using the arrow icons (see image below), the Sort ID will change respectively; however, the Choice ID will remain the same.
- Therefore, when making an API call, please use the
identifier instead ofsort_id
to specify a choice/field (see List Available Choices of a Single-choice Field, Update contacts).
You can edit the JavaScript field:
- Display an editable field with the corresponding properties: Click Show javascript.
- Hide the JavaScript entry field: Click Hide javascript.
For date-entry fields and URL fields, there is a pre-set standard code available; this code can be adapted.
Unless you are very familiar with JavaScript, please do not change the JavaScript standard code yourself without first contact Emarsys Support.
A possible use case for editing JavaScript would be the limitation of options for a multiple-choice field, so that a contact who wants to register via a form can choose only a limited amount of options, for example 5 in a multiple-choice field which actually contains 20 options (e.g. Your favorite flight destinations).
You must save your settings before closing the Field Generator; otherwise your changes will be lost.
Listing custom fields
On the Field Editor page, all data fields can be listed and edited.
- The list displays the fields with their Field Name and Field Type.
- The Created by column displays the name of the administrator who created the field.
- See the About Fields for information on the different field types.
Each custom field you create is a numeric ID assigned, but you can also assign a string ID to it, if you wish, to make it more recognizable. Emarsys API currently does not support string IDs in API calls.
Distributing custom fields
You can distribute a single or multiple custom fields on the Field Editor page.
Deleting custom fields
On the Field Editor page, you can delete custom fields by clicking the Delete icon.
When you try to delete a custom field, then a dialog appears and checks whether the selected field is being used in another resource.

A field is considered a Blocker if deleting it would prevent a segment or program from running. You cannot delete blocking assets unless you remove them from the segment or program where they are being used.
You can open the segment using the specific field by clicking the Edit icon.

After resolving the blocking issues, you can delete the asset by clicking Delete.