When using the Transfer to program node in conjunction with the Entry from program entry point, you will need to bear the following in mind.
- Both the source and target programs need to be active for the contacts to pass from one to another. If either is frozen or paused, the contacts will exit the source program.
- The Automation Center will not let you join programs in a circle (A->B->C->A).
- You can connect one program only to a single target program with the Transfer to program node, but you can connect multiple Transfer to program nodes to the same target program.
- You cannot change the source program in the entry node of the target program. You can only edit this connection by using the Transfer to program node of the source program.
- A source program can have multiple Transfer to program nodes where all are connected to different target programs.
- Programs starting with the Entry from program node are triggered every 10 minutes by the source program containing the Transfer to program node.