In the Session Filters step, you can apply additional filters for more precise targeting.
Watch the Summer Release 2023 video about Web Channel Session Filters:
You can choose from the following filters:
- Match all (AND) - Campaigns will be displayed for those contacts who match ALL the selected conditions.
- Match any (OR) - Campaigns will be displayed for those contacts who match ANY of the selected conditions.
Here is what you need to do to add session filters to your Web Channel campaign:
- To display the available session filters, click Add Rule.
- After selecting and specifying your filter, click Add to activate it.
- Optionally, you can add a group of filters, that can be set up differently than your main filter group by clicking Add Subgroup.
The Web Channel campaign using the session filters in the example below will be displayed for contacts if they meet the following criteria:
- The site language is set to
- The URL contains any of the following expressions:
OR -
OR sneakers
- Contacts are logged in.
Browsing session filters
You can choose from the following session filters:
- Site language - You can select the language of the website where you want to run the campaign. This option allows you to use localized campaigns in multi-language web stores. If you select a language here, the campaign will only appear when the website is showing content in the selected language. For more information, see Determining site language.
- Cart value - Use this filter to target those customers only whose shopping cart value meets the criterion you define here.
- Purchase value - Use this filter to target those customers only whose purchase value meets the criterion you define here. Filters use the currency that you set as your base currency for your account.
- Device - You can set up your campaign to only appear on desktop or mobile devices. If you want to target both, don't add this filter.
- Stop targeting recipients after click - If enabled, the campaign will not be shown to visitors who have already clicked it. Note that closing an overlay does not count as a click. Select this filter if you wouldn't like to target those customers who already clicked on your Web Channel campaign.
- Show only for logged in users - If enabled, only visitors who are logged in to your website will see the campaign.
- URL - Here you can specify the characters or URL segment that must be found in the URL of a page on which your campaign will be displayed. By adding multiple session filters with different operators, targeting becomes more accurate. For example, you can configure the URL session filters to display your campaign on all pages, except for the checkout site. For more information, see Using URL filtering to trigger Web Channel versions.
Determining site language
How does Web Channel determine the chosen site language? The internal logic looks for these four clues in the following order:
- OpenGraph locale tags:
- HTML lang attribute:
<html lang="fr">
- HTML meta tag for content language:
meta[http-equiv="language"] content
- browser language:
nav.language ||
nav.browserLanguage ||
nav.systemLanguage ||
nav.userLanguage ||
where nav = window.navigator
from the browser
So, for Web Channel's Site language filter to work on your site, the selected localized site must use one of the above four methods for setting the language. Without one of these, the localized version of the campaign may not be found.
Using URL filtering to trigger Web Channel versions
If you cannot implement any of the above four language definitions, you can still use URL filtering as a workaround to identify your language sites.
- Append the chosen
to use with the link to the end of the
- Use the URL filter with the
operator from Web Channel session filters to add the relevant languages as filters.
By HTML campaigns, you cannot select the Device session filter in the drop-down. However, you can simply switch to Mobile preview, and leave the Desktop Preview empty to limit displaying the campaign to mobile users. Alternatively, leave the Mobile preview empty, and add your HTML code to the Desktop Preview to display the campaign to desktop users only.

What to do next?
When you are ready, proceed to the Trigger & Scheduling page.