In case of having multiple accounts, you can easily distribute a copy of your Content Block to another account. Distribution service enables you to reuse the same assets with just one click, without recreating the same Content Block from scratch. Manage your content assets across multiple accounts with permission and access handling.
The Distributing Content Blocks function is available for Web Channel Content Blocks only at this stage of development. For more information on Web Channel Content Blocks, learn more.
For more information on the Distribution of Omnichannel content blocks, watch the June 2024 Product Release video:
Use cases
Content Block distribution may come in handy in the following cases.
Distributing as a main asset
To distribute a Content Block from the list of available blocks to a different account.
- In the Distribution dialog select the Destination Account and the Owner.
- Click Distribute.
You are notified on the progress of the distribution.
You will be notified when the Content Block is distributed to the destination account.
Distributing as a resource
- The distribution starts from Web Channel: When a Web Channel campaign is distributed, the Content Block used to create the campaign is also distributed to the destination account as a resource for the campaign, maintaining the dependency with the main asset. The distribution service recognises the content block used in the campaign as a resource.
The distribution starts from Automation program: The distribution starts from an Automation program, and the distribution service recognises the Web Channel campaign and the Content Blocks as resources and sub-resources.
When an Automation program is distributed to a new account, the campaigns within that program are also distributed along with every asset of the campaign, including the Content Blocks used within the campaign. Maintaining this way the original dependency tree between the assets.
Future improvement
The following improvement is planned for later developments:
- Bulk distribution of Content Blocks: More Content Blocks could be selected from the List view of the Overview page, to distribute multiple assets at once.