You can simply create price drop or back in stock campaigns and notify your customers about product catalog changes with Product Catalog Updates. You can see all your Product Catalog Updates programs on the Automation Programs page.
Product Catalog Updates trigger
By using this trigger you can build programs that:
- are not triggered by specific events but are triggered repeatedly at the scheduled time,
- check if there are changes in your product catalog by comparing the most up-to-date version to the one that was checked when the last campaign was sent (for example, if your program is scheduled to run at 10 AM every Monday and Thursday, then on Thursday, the most up-to-date version will be compared to the version that was checked on Monday),
- notify your contacts when the price of a product has dropped or a product is back in stock again.
Please consider the following:
- To use the Product Catalog Updates trigger, you need to have Web Extend and Predict up-and-running and a product catalog file that is uploaded frequently.
- Each contact who triggers a program starting with the Product Catalog Updates trigger will receive a list containing a maximum of 10 products sorted by price in descending order.
You can configure the following settings in the Product Catalog Updates trigger:
You can use the Repeatable Block in Product Catalog Updates campaigns. For more information, see Adding the Repeatable Block to campaigns using Product sets.
Catalog check schedule
The program will repeatedly check your product catalog for updates as specified.
- The Catalog check schedule is based on your accounts default timezone.
- If you change the Catalog check schedule for Product Catalog Update campaigns, please consider that there might be product catalog changes about which contacts will not be notified. For example, if the schedule is set to every 2 days at 15.30 and you change it to every 1 day at 15.30 on October 16, then contacts will only receive price drop campaigns about products the price of which dropped after 15:30 October 15.

You can choose from the following options:
- At regular intervals - The program will be triggered again after the specified interval.
- On specific days - The program will be triggered on the selected day(s).
Product catalog updates
You can select a product catalog change that will trigger your program.

You can choose from the following options:
- Price drop - When a product's price drops (and it meets the defined criteria), all contacts who are interested in that product will enter this program. For more information, see Product Catalog Updates - Price drop.
- Back in stock - When a single or multiple products are back in stock, all contacts who are interested in at least one of the affected products will enter this program. For more information, see Product Catalog Updates - Back in stock.
- Low in stock - When the stocks are running low, all contacts who are interested in the specific product will enter this program. For more information, see Product Catalog Updates - Low in stock.
Target audience
The program will target those contacts whose behavior matches the specified criteria.
- You cannot target contacts who either abandoned their cart or viewed a product more than 365 days ago.
- If contacts are interested in multiple products the status of which has been changed and they meet the defined criteria, then they will be notified about these changes.
You can choose from the following options:
- Viewed the product X or less days ago at least Y times,

- Abandoned the product in a cart X or less days ago.
Emarsys sends the campaigns to all contacts who left this item in their carts in the selected timeframe. However, please note that the campaign might be sent to contacts who added this item to their carts before the selected timeframe but did not purchase it. To make sure only those contacts receive the campaign who have not purchased the product since they abandoned their carts, use the Exclude contacts who purchased this product option.

- Exclude contacts who purchased this product - To exclude customers who purchased this product X days ago from this program, click this checkbox.

Wishlist examples
If you would like to use the Added the product to a wishlist option, first please contact your Client Success Manager to check if you are eligible for this feature, then please turn to Emarsys Support to have it turned on.
Wishlist price drop campaign
By sending Wishlist price drop campaigns to your customers, you can notify them when the price of an item they have added to their wishlist has dropped.
In the following example, you can see a Wishlist price drop campaign that:
- is triggered on every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 09:45 AM,
- will notify customers who:
- added the specific product to their wishlist in the last 90 days and
- did not purchase the product in the last 30 days (those who purchased the product during the last 30 days will be excluded from the program).
- will notify customers if the price of the item that they added to their wishlist:
- is at least €10 and
- its price has dropped at least by 20%.
Emarsys automatically excludes the items that are not available anymore.
This is how this Wishlist price drop campaign looks like:

To personalize your content with product attributes, follow the instructions in Adding the Repeatable Block to campaigns using Product sets and select the Price drop Product set.
Wishlist back in stock campaign
By sending Wishlist back in stock campaigns to your customers, you can notify them when an item they have added to their wishlist is back in stock (i.e. the availability
field changes from false
to true
in your product catalog).
In the following example, you can see a Wishlist back in stock campaign that:
- is triggered on every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 09:45 AM,
- will notify customers who:
- added the specific product to their wishlist in the last 90 days and
- did not purchase the product in the last 30 days (those who purchased the product during the last 30 days will be excluded from the program).
- will notify customers when the product they have added to their wishlist is back in stock.
This Wishlist back in stock campaign looks like as follows:

To personalize your content with product attributes, follow the instructions in Adding the Repeatable Block to campaigns using Product sets and select the Back in stock Product set.