When contacts share profile details on their account, it can allow marketers to provide greater personalization in their marketing campaigns. The result of which can lead to enhanced brand loyalty and lead to a higher conversion rate of visitors to customers. Therefore it is highly desirable to guide contacts in providing this information. The guide below outlines an Automation Center program which identifies these anonymous users and looks to encourage them to come back into the app and complete their profile.
- Increase engagement
- Drive loyalty
- Collecting information allows for personal messaging
Required Features:
- Emarsys SDK
- Automation Center
- Push Notifications
High Level Use Case Flow
Create the necessary Mobile Segments:
- Segment should be linked to the correct app.
- Add a condition for Push Notifications is ‘Enabled’.
- Add a condition for ‘Customer who are anonymous’.
- Segment should be linked to the correct app.
- Add a condition for ‘Customers who are identified’.
Create the Push Notifications
- Link to the correct app.
- Link to the correct segment.
- Link to Automation Center.
- Type the message into the phone preview pane.
- Add any images, action buttons or deep links.
- Click Ready to Launch once complete.
Create a Mobile Engage segment where Mobile push notifications are enabled and Contacts who are anonymous.

Create a second segment where Contacts who are identified and have been Sent the Account profile campaigns (this second element is optional, but will help identify those users who have created an account potentially as a result of receiving the account creation reminders).
You may want to add in further conditions such as Last App Activity is within the past 2 days (or equivalent) to try to isolate anonymous users who have recently interacted with your app and therefore may be more inclined to complete their profile. You could take this further by adding in conditions checking whether certain Custom Events (if set-up) have also been triggered.

Push and In-app Campaign creation
- From the Mobile Engage Push Messages tab click Create Push Message to begin creating the notification.
- Fill in the general settings:
- give the Push Notification a name,
- link it to the app,
- select the Recipient source as Automation.
- On the Content Creation page type your message directly into the phone preview pane.
Ensure both the title and main body of the message are populated and the message is concise and clear….remember you don’t have much room to play with on a phone screen! Use Emojis and images where appropriate as these are proven to increase engagement rates.
- Click on the side bar to the left of the preview screen to include functionality such as Action Buttons or deep links.
- Add Action Buttons in the Tap Actions tab.
- Add Deep Links in the Custom Data tab.
- Once complete click Ready to Launch and your message will be available for selection in the relevant Automation Center program.
- Repeat the above steps for each required message.
Automation Center
- Add a Recurring filter node running every day at a specified time linked to the Anonymous users segment created.
- Add an A/B Splitter node allowing you to test different incentives and messaging to encourage customers to complete their profile.
- Add Mobile Engage Push message nodes on both branches and select the relevant Push Notification for each.
- Add a Wait node on each branch.
Experiment with different times on the Wait node. As a start point we would recommend waiting for 2 days but it may be that a shorter or longer wait period would be beneficial for your business.
- Add a Segment node and select the Anonymous users segment to check whether customers have still not created an account.
- Add a Mobile Engage Push message node on each branch and select the relevant Push Notification
- Add a Wait node to each branch.
- Add a Segment node to each branch and select the Identified Users segment to check whether customers have now moved into identified segment.
Experiment with different journeys depending on whether a customer is anonymous and downloaded the app recently compared with those customers who downloaded the app 7, 14, 30 days ago and are still anonymous. This can be achieved by creating different segments for each group and then using Filter Switch nodes in the Automation Center to direct customers on different journeys. Try different content or incentives with each group to see which provides the best profile completion.