This article gives you an introduction to the main settings of the Zendesk Emarsys add-on application and instructions for setting up your widgets in your Zendesk marketplace.
How to set up the Zendesk Emarsys add-on?
All the setting changes you make in the Zendesk Emarsys add-on are saved only locally on your browser. The reason for this is that others can work in the meantime while you perform significant changes, for example restructuring the Categories.
Main settings
On the Main settings tab you can modify some basic aspects of the add-on:
- Disable all notifications in Zendesk from this app - To disable notifications on the top-right side of the application.
- Do not load app by default, but only when clicking on it - To set that the application is not loaded until you click on Load in Emarsys button. While this can impact the user experience it will vastly reduce contact views, as searching for the user is disabled unless you click this button.
- Currency string - This setting appends to every money value. (E.g. turnaround in widget "Spending info").
- Date time format - To set the format of the dates and times (E.g. last sent date in widget "Email general").
To apply the changes you made, click Apply settings to all agents on the top-right of the add-on page.
Global properties
The Global properties section is only visible if one of the allowed widgets uses global properties (e.g. all Predict widgets).
The global properties help you change settings for a functionality present in multiple widgets. (e.g. the Product feed of Predict widgets)
When changing properties you can set the behaviour of a property to global (indicated by the behaviour of that property shown in brackets). In that case the global properties defined here are used.
Widget settings
Widget settings enables you to customize the structure of the integration according to your agents' needs.
Modifying the Widget settings is not mandatory. Default settings are applicable based on the widgets in your integration.
General widget settings
- Expanding/shrinking widgets - Click the arrow icon on the right of the title to expand the content.
- Sticky widgets - Click the star icon (if not already activated) to automatically expand the widget's content without the need to click on the expand arrow.
A great number of sticky widgets can increase the load time of the sidebar and lead to a convoluted UI. Only make the widgets sticky you need for each contact.
Widget property
You can change the following properties of the widgets:
Title - The title to show in the integration for this widget.
Note: Leave this field empty to use the default title. - Active - Set if the widget is available for the agents.
- Sticky - Set here if the widget can be sticky on default. Agents can edit this setting.
- Icon - Set the icon to display in the integration of the left side of the title.
To change the active attribute of the widget, click the eye icon.
To change the editable attribute of the widget, click the lock/unlock icon.

Some widgets allow agents to edit properties, like the email address. Here in the property grid you can also disable or enable editing these properties.
Advanced widget settings
Trigger external events
The Trigger external events widget does not show information about a contact. This widget enables agents to trigger certain external events for a contact. Here you can set some options to compose a list of events that the agents can trigger.
External event prefix
This prefix includes all events in the list of events agents can trigger, which follow the naming scheme.
Example: With the prefix "zendesk_
" all events that start with "zendesk_
" will be included in the list, for example "zendesk_send_welcome_mail
Events selected here will be always in the list even if these events do not follow the prefix naming scheme and even if they are blacklisted.
Only whitelist
This is a switch, which enables you to deactivate the prefix.
You can select those events here, that should not be included in the event list, even if they follow the naming scheme given in External event prefix.
Note: Events in the whitelist ignore the blacklist.
Event descriptions
Here you can describe what an event does, to help your agents decide which event to trigger.
You can add a description by selecting the event you want to describe then click Add description button. You can select events only, that are either whitelisted or to follow the naming convention given in External event prefix.
Email history: Emails per page
This setting is used to paging the email history and help to not clutter the UI, by only showing a certain number of emails per one page. The loading of pages in the history is asynchronous and cached. That means, that changing the page is pretty smooth. It is highly recommended to set 5 and 10 emails per page.

Category settings
In categories you can include multiple widgets in a meaningful way to improve the user experience.
You can customize your categories, as follows:
- Add category - To add a category click the button on the right side above the first category handle.
- Add widget - To add a widget to a category click Add widget at the bottom-left of the widget grid in the edit category view.
- Delete a widget - Click the trashcan icon on the right-side of the widget in the widget grid of the category you want to remove the widget from.
- Edit a widget in a category - Click the pencil icon on the right-side of the widget in the widget grid.
Edit a category - Click the pencil icon on the right-side of the widget in the widget grid to edit:
- Category title - The title to display in the integration.
- Category icon - The icon to display in the integration on the left side of the title.