Emarsys Home is fully customizable where you can design your individual, tailor-made landing page. Make your navigation easier with the personalized shortcuts and aid your everyday work with the useful widgets.
Please note that when a contact is deleted, all of the data relating to that contact is also deleted. This will retrospectively affect any reports which use contact-level data. Contact deletion may affect your analytics and reports on the Emarsys Home page, especially: you may experience changes in metrics retrospectively and regularly in the Intelligence widget.
As a quick reminder, here is the onboarding video about Customizable Emarsys Home:
Choosing your layout
You can choose from predefined layout options when you open the Emarsys Home page for the first time. If you click Skip this step, then all the available widgets will be turned on by default on this page.

Welcome message
On the top of your Emarsys Home you can see a welcoming message with the name of the given administrator. The Home settings are saved with administrator privileges, which means that each admin can set up and save their individual layout.
Change your Emarsys Home in the Personal details pane of your My Profile page, or you can turn this function completely off.
You can always return to your Home by clicking the Emarsys logo in the upper-left corner, or by selecting Home in the Profile Menu.
Verticals label
You can see the label of your current vertical according to your vertical settings. If you do not have any verticals set up you do not see it.
Customize Home button
This button in the upper-right corner enables you to add widgets to be visible in your Emarsys Home. Also, you can change the position of your selected widget within the Home by drag and drop.
All together you can turn on the following widgets:

Shell Bar
You can access the Shell Bar in the top right corner. The following features are available here:
- Send Feedback - Your feedback is welcome. Please share your thoughts on the Emarsys Platform with us.
- Search tool - You can search for contacts, email campaigns, registration forms, segments, contact lists, bounced emails and email campaign reports with the Search tool.
- Contextual help - It provides you a link to the most relevant Help Portal article with the exact contact you are looking for.
- Notification Center - It is designed to act as an inbox within the Emarsys Platform.
- Profile Menu - You can access your profile, the Utilization & Allowances Dashboard and the Online Help or share your account access or the current page from this menu.

Revenue Attribution widget
The Revenue Attribution widget shows you how Emarsys campaigns affect your revenue. Set the filter to show your past 7, 30, 60 or 90 days data.
Here you can:
- Display more details by clicking Go to Revenue Analytics.
- Read more information on how the Revenue Attribution Service calculates the results by clicking See how this data is calculated.
Email Results widget
The widget shows you the open and click rates for your recent email campaigns.
Click Trends to see the performance of your campaigns in details. For more information on Trends, see here.
You can filter to your past 7, 30, 60 or 90 days data. If there is no data for the selected time range, it will automatically adjust to the next range up for which data is available.
The filter settings are saved automatically upon exit.
Here you can see 6 shortcuts to your most frequently used features. Just click the shortcut icon that navigates you directly to the required widget.
Contact Database Growth widget
This widget shows the daily updates of your contact database including the number of new contacts added and the current total.
Set the filter to show your past 7, 30, 60 or 90 days data. Your filter settings are saved automatically.
You can also click more information on your contacts, which navigates you to the Contact Registrations reporting page.
Please keep in mind the following:
- Only those contacts are included in the Available by Email metric whose:
- email address field is not empty,
- email address is valid and
opt-in field is set to
- The No opt-in metric includes contacts whose opt-in field is either missing or set to
. - Once the last update is finished, it takes at least 24 hours for the Database Growth widget to display the changes made to your database on the current day. Depending on the level of traffic in a specific environment, it may take a few more hours to display the updates.
To check the number of contacts available in your database, see Checking contacts in your database.

Recently Edited Campaigns
Here you can check if any of your email campaigns have been modified and saved recently. The list is updated automatically whenever a campaign is saved.
You can see the following:
- Modification type
- Campaign name
- Saving time and date
- Editor's name
Set the filter to show all of the edited campaigns on the account or your own edited campaigns only.
You can also click to see the detailed activity list and navigate directly to the selected campaign.

Intelligence widget
This widget is only available if you have Smart Insight installed. It shows the latest customer lifecycle stage metrics. This widget is updated daily.
In the bar chart you can see how many contacts are in each customer lifecycle stage, while the line shows you the average lifetime spend and conversion rate for that segment. Above these you can compare the average lifetime spend across your entire contact database with the average spend of active customers.
You can click through to the Smart Insight Customer Lifecycle page.

Mobile Engagement widget
This widget shows you the percentage of mobile responses to your email campaigns, as well as the click-to-open ratio for those responses. Hover your mouse cursor over the graph to see the exact figures for that day.

Send Time Optimization widget
This widget shows you how many emails have been sent using STO during the past four weeks, and compares their click rates with those of the control group.

Triggered Email widget
This widget shows you details on the delivery rates of your recent On-event campaigns:
- Delivered - The number of sent emails that were not bounced.
- Canceled - The number of emails that were canceled by the system, with a click-through to the full list and the reasons they were not sent.
There could be various technical reasons why your emails are canceled by the system. To resolve these issues we recommend contacting Emarsys Support.
Bounced - The number of bounced emails, with a click-through to the full list and the bounce details.
- Generally bounced emails indicate problems with the contact or with the Internet Service Provider (ISP).
- For more information about Bounce types and how to resolve these issues, see Bounce management.
- For more information, see Checking bounced contacts with invalid email addresses.
Here you can:
- Display more details on Canceled Triggered Emails by clicking View Canceled Details. Learn more.
- Display more details on Bounced Triggered Emails by clicking View Bounced Details. Learn more.
Emarsys Academy
In this widget you can see the latest and most relevant training webinars that Emarsys provides you from time to time.

Product News and Marketing widget
In this widget you can see our most recent product news and marketing events.