The Notification Center is designed to act as an inbox within the Emarsys Platform. According to your notification settings the Notification Center can send various types of notifications. A notification is a short message that informs the users in the most effective way either in short toast messages, or emails, notifications and system alerts to acknowledge changes and act accordingly.
Notifications panel
Setting up your notifications
On the Notifications panel you can customize and set up your notifications to adjust to your needs in the following options:
- Filter: Set up filters to the notification sources and critical messages.
- Settings icon: Set up receiving global or custom notifications.
Filtering the notification source
Open the Notifications and click the Filter drop-down list to set the source of your notifications in either of the following ways:
- Enter the name of the product or feature you intend to monitor and receive notifications, or
- scroll the list and check the required item. Here you can also remove them.

Notification settings
You can also open the Notification Settings from the email notifications you receive, if you subscribed.

In the Notification Settings page you can select these options from the left menu:
Global notification settings
The notifications you set up here are handled as default settings, unless the notification source is defined differently.
To set up and receive global notification messages, proceed as follows:
1. Select the Global Settings category from the left menu.
2. In the Global Notification Settings pane under Notifications use the radio button to display either
- critical notifications, or
- non-critical notifications.
3. Check Also in Email checkbox to subscribe, (or uncheck it to unsubscribe) to receive emails about critical, non-critical notifications.
4. Click Save Settings in the top right corner.
For customizing feature-specific notification settings, see Custom notification settings.
Email notifications
To subscribe to email notifications go to the Notification Settings page and in the Global Notification Settings, select the Also in Email checkbox.
The Notification Center can notify you via emails about the critical (important) notifications containing
- a short description of the issue,
- a button with a link to the Notification panel,
- and optionally, you can change email preferences (unsubscribe) at the end of the email message.

Toast messages
The Notification Center can update you on system-level changes via real-time "toast" notifications at the lower-right corner of the Emarsys Customer Engagement Platform. Toast messages include
- a short description of the occurred problem, or
- the latest updates in one sentence.

Custom notification settings
The Custom notification settings enable you to have custom-tailored notification setups specified to a local feature set or a use case of a category within the Platform.
To set up and receive custom-tailored messages proceed as follows:
1. Select a Notifications category group from the left menu.
2. On the Notification Settings pane choose the Use custom settings option.
3. Check, if the required checkboxes are selected under Notifications.
4. In the User Settings use the radio buttons to receive either
- notifications only for your user account, or
- notifications for any user in this customer account.
5. Optionally, at Email Notifications you can set up to receive emails about the critical notifications. You can also unsubscribe from email notifications.
Select the required notifications category from the left menu:
Critical notifications: You can switch off displaying critical notifications, but it is strongly not recommended, as these include business-critical messages.

Automation notifications
Automation notifications warn you about these program issues:
- Tactic creation
- Tactic left in design
- Automation program is in fail-safe mode (critical)
- An Interactions Program in Fail-Safe mode (critical)
- Automation program issue (critical)
- Failed locale-based calculation in Automation
- Batch exceeded threshold in Delete Contacts node (critical)
- AC Program is auto-failsafed because a campaign in it was aborted
Check the required checkboxes under notifications to have custom Automation notifications.
If your program has been put into fail-safe mode, it means that it has been suspended for various reasons. If you are having issues with your programs or are experiencing errors, please see Automation Center Troubleshooting.
Content notifications
Content notifications warn you about issues with these issues or statuses:
- Visual Content Editor templates
- Voucher Pool
- Coupon import
Check the required checkboxes under notifications to have custom Content notifications:
- Campaign update error (critical)
- Successful campaign update
- Voucher pool is getting empty (critical)
- Template distribution finished
- Template distribution failed (critical)
Channels notifications
Channels notifications warn you about these issues or statuses:
- Email campaigns
- SMS messages
- SMS contact lists
- Web Channel campaigns
- Mobile Push campaigns
- Domain validation errors
- Digital Ads
- Whatsapp failures
Check the required checkboxes under notifications to have custom Channels notifications:
- Email campaign launch error (critical)
- Successful email campaign launch
- Web Channel Campaign stopped
- SMS warnings (critical)
- Successful SMS contact, list, pre-launch detail generation or test
- Mobile Push campaigns (critical)
- Domain Validation warnings
- Digital Ads warnings
- Whatsapp personalization sending failure
Contacts notifications
Contacts notifications warn you about these issues or statuses:
- Segments
- Data imports
- Data exports
- Segment generation
- Combined segment
Check the required checkboxes under notifications to have custom Contacts notifications:
- Successful segment generation
- Successful data export
- Successful data import
- Data import error (critical)
- Data export error (critical)
- Combined segment results
- Combined segment calculation failure
Data management notifications
Data managements notifications warn you about these issues or statuses:
- Data management
- Relational Data
- Revenue Attribution
- Smart Insight data
- Audience Report
- Campaign Analytics Report
Check the required checkboxes under notifications to have custom Data management notifications:
- Magento shop issues (critical)
- Relational data segment is slow (critical)
- Revenue attribution service is enabled
- Relational data import error (critical)
- Smart Insight data quality report (critical)
- Smart Insight data load failure (critical)
- Audience Report Generation Failed Segment
- Campaign Analytics Report Generation Failed
- Audience Report Generation Failed Segment Relational Data
Sales Data notification settings
Sales Data Notifications warn you about these issues or statuses:
- Sales Data load
- Sales Data deletion
- Batch Sales Data Load
Check the required checkboxes under notifications to have custom Sales Data management notifications:
- Successful Sales Data Load
- Partially Loaded Sales Data
- Failed to Load Sales Data
- Sales Data Deleted Successfully
- Batch Sales Data Load Enabled
Distribution notifications
These notifications warn you about distribution results and issues.
Check the required checkboxes under notifications to have custom notifications:
- Successful Email Campaign Distribution
- Email Campaign Distribution Failed
- Successful Automation Program Distribution
- Automation Program Distribution Failed
- Successful Field Distribution
- Field Distribution Failed
Other notification settings
Other notifications warn you about these issues or statuses:
- Automation Program comment
- Custom integration
- Contact list creation
- Contact list deletion
- Open Data credentials
- Stream Onboarding credentials
Check the required checkboxes under notifications to have custom notifications:
- Mentioned in an Automation Program comment
- Custom integration notificationsGet NotificationAlso in Email
- Success contact list creation
- Failed contact list creation
- Contact list deleted
- Expiring Open Data credentials
- Expiring Stream Onboarding credentials
System notifications
System notifications warn you about important security or system settings that may indicate you need to take action.
Note that as an Emarsys user, you cannot opt-out of these critical system emails, but receiving them does not mean you have opted-in to any other forms of communication. Subscription to marketing and enablement communications is managed separately and the unsubscribe function for those communications is contained in each individual message.
Check the required checkboxes under notifications to have custom notifications:
- Account Owner promotion

For more information on the Security Notifications, watch our November 2024 Product Release video: