With Omnichannel Voucher Management you can use vouchers across more channels. It provides a channel-agnostic voucher management experience. You can upload pools of voucher codes that can be used in the supported channels.
Supported channels are:
Voucher Management is located under the following locations:
- Add-ons > Omnichannel Voucher - It is recommended to use it: Available in every supported channels.
- Content > Voucher Management - Available in Email campaigns, only.
What are vouchers?
Vouchers are unique alphanumeric codes specified by you that can be sent to your recipients, who can then redeem them for discounts or special offers. It is your responsibility to make sure that voucher codes are unique as the system does not filter out duplicates.
Vouchers are uploaded to Emarsys in a voucher pool, which is a single column of codes saved in .TXT or .CSV format such as:

Working with vouchers
Preparing your voucher file
When preparing the file containing your voucher codes, pay attention to the following:
- The file format must be .TXT or .CSV.
- A voucher code cannot contain more than 255 characters. If it contains more, only the first 255 will be displayed, potentially rendering the code invalid.
- The file must be UTF-8 encoded.
- The file must not contain any BOM characters.
- The file must not contain a header.
Creating an omnichannel voucher pool
To create an omnichannel voucher pool, proceed as follows:
- Open the Add-ons menu and click Omnichannel Voucher.
- Click Add New Pool.
- Enter a name for the pool.
- Browse the voucher file. For more information, see Preparing your voucher file.
- Click Upload.
- If checked, each contact will receive a new code from this pool every time you include this voucher pool in a message. If not checked, contacts will receive the same code that was assigned to them for the first time.
Be careful enabling this option with Web Channel campaigns as it can consume your pool quickly.
Important: When Emarsys receives voucher code requests from the same pool from multiple campaigns (e.g. Web Channel campaigns) targeting segments that contain the same contact at the exact same time, then it might happen that contacts who have not received a voucher code from this pool previously will receive two codes instead of one.
To avoid this issue, you need to set different schedules for the campaigns (at least each campaign should start a few minutes later compared to the other).
- Block message sending if this voucher pool is used and there are no codes left in the pool.
- Provide a default code to be sent when the pool is empty.
- Click to send reminder notification via the Notification Center, if the voucher pool is running out of codes.
- Click Save.
- Your voucher pool is ready to be used in campaigns.
Checking voucher upload status
You can check whether your voucher code lists were correctly uploaded.
1. Select the Upload History tab.
2. Check the Status column to see the actual error message for the incorrect file.
3. In case of error, double-check your uploaded file according to Preparing your voucher file and repeat the upload.
If the upload is still unsuccessful, please contact Emarsys Support.
Making changes to existing voucher pools
You can perform the following actions on an existing voucher pool using one of the icons in the last column:
- Preview - check the first couple of codes in the voucher pool.
- Edit - change voucher pool settings, see Creating a voucher pool.
- Reset - remove all codes from the pool.
Important: After resetting an existing voucher pool, contacts will receive a new code instead of the same one.
- Delete - delete the entire voucher pool.
- Export - download codes and contacts to whom the codes are assigned to (in case the codes are already used).
- A .CSV file will be generated containing voucher code and date sent. Customer's email address, first name and last name are included.
Using voucher pools in campaigns
To use the voucher pools in campaigns you need a Personalization token.
1. To create a voucher pool personalization token navigate to: Content menu > Personalization page.
2. Follow the instructions of Creating a voucher token.
When you create a Personalization token to be able to use the Omnichannel Voucher in a campaign, the token settings are overridden by the Voucher Pool settings.
You can also use the SAP Emarsys API for handling the vouchers pools. Learn more.
Using voucher personalization tokens in block-based email campaigns
You can find your personalization tokens in the personalization sidebar in the Visual Content Editor. Pick a personalization use case or capability from the list to access the associated personalization tokens. You can use these tokens in the campaign by drag-and-dropping them into the campaign body. For more information, see Using tokens in the Email channel.
- It is not recommended to use block targeting with vouchers. By an email with targeted blocks containing voucher codes, voucher management assigns vouchers also to contacts who do not see the voucher blocks (as they filtered out in the email). This may lead to voucher pools unexpectedly running out (higher than expected rate of code use), which in turn may lead to unsent emails, if the Do not send emails if voucher pool is empty option is checked.
- If you create an email campaign containing multiple blocks which are shown or hidden for a specific contact by using block targeting or Emarsys Scripting Language (ESL) conditions, then Emarsys will assign only one voucher code from this voucher pool to the contact. For example, if an email campaign contains three blocks where block targeting is used, then only one code will be assigned to every contact from the voucher pool instead of three codes. The same applies to the voucher code if you use ESL to show or hide the voucher personalization token.
Using voucher personalization tokens with conditions in multi-language campaigns
In case of using voucher personalization tokens in multi-language campaigns, or with conditions the different voucher pools are not handled separately. In a multi-language campaign, as many codes will be assigned as many languages are added to the campaign, but in the email that is sent out, only one language version of the token or the voucher will be applied.
Example: Let’s say you are sending a multi-language Welcome Email campaign to the DACH region, with personalized voucher tokens. The email with the DE IETF language tag version will have a DE voucher pool field embedded, and the AT version will have an AT voucher pool field, etc. Your customer receives only the DE version, because of his IETF Tag being DE, but gets all three Voucher Fields filled on it's profile.
Issue: At this stage of the development, this can result in emptying the voucher pools very quickly, even though only the DE version of the voucher code will be displayed in the email. It is strongly not recommended to handle different voucher pools within one multi-language campaign or within campaigns that contain conditions.
Solution: Calculate with this when creating a voucher pool and avoid the pools emptying too quickly. It is strongly recommended to split the voucher campaigns.
Important: In multi-language campaigns and campaigns with conditions, personalization tokens and vouchers work the same: Tokens and vouchers are evaluated and decreased, not only the one that is true for the language version or condition. This case is more noticeable for the vouchers, because it's consuming one of the usually limited number of codes.