The Strategic Dashboard has been designed for marketing decision-makers and shows you the results of your marketing strategies against a particular objective, such as growing your revenue or your active customer base.
As a quick reminder, here is the onboarding video about the Strategic Dashboard:
Have a look at a brief and portable summary of our analytic capabilities along with some relevant customer testimonies.
The Strategic Dashboard consists of a number of widgets that provide you with easy visual overviews of each of the strategies that you are pursuing to achieve your objective.
These widgets provide detailed reporting on all the Automation Center programs (including tactics) which are contributing to that strategy.
For all charts, you can hover your mouse cursor over any point to see the exact figures for that day.
Please note that when a contact is deleted, all of the data relating to that contact is also deleted. This will retrospectively affect any reports which use contact-level data. Contact deletion may affect your analytics and reports on the Strategic Dashboard, especially:
- the Strategic Dashboard - Overview - numbers may change across all strategies and objectives and deleting contacts will also affect the AOV (Average Order Value).
- the Strategic Dashboard - Strategy reporting - you may experience changes in:
- the strategy-level reporting both for the current year and the selected period it is compared to.
- the results of the Tactics related to the selected strategy, due to the adjustments to the number of purchases, level of engagement and revenue.
For more information on the effects of contact deletion, see What happens to deleted contacts in Emarsys?
- On the Strategic Dashboard, you can see data collected during the last 2 years so that you can make a year-over-year comparison.
- Depending on your Smart Insight settings, returned items (refunds) might be deducted from the metrics on the Strategic Dashboard and they also include purchases made by unidentified customers.
- By default, the results are shown per day on the Strategic Dashboard. You can switch between daily, weekly or monthly views.
When you change your package or your vertical, the Strategic Dashboard UI settings and the set targets will also change. The default dashboard UI configuration will be shown with empty targets. Your previous settings are not lost, they will still be there if you change back to the vertical or package that you configured them in.
Setting your targets
You can set a new target by clicking Set New Target in the top right corner. A target helps you to focus on one aspect of your business, for example growing your active customer base, making it easier to measure the performance of your campaigns and then to extend or optimize them.

It can take a few minutes for the data in your account to populate the widgets fully.

Target History
Targets that run out of the target period by more than 14 days, move automatically to the Target History page, in order to avoid your Strategic Dashboard page being overcrowded.
On the Target History page you can:
- See all of your targets and their statuses (Scheduled, In progress, Successful, Unsuccessful).
- Filter on your target metric based on they are related to Revenue or Active customers (1).
- Filter on recurrence based on they are Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, One time (2).
- See the targets':
- Start date (3)
- Due date (4)
- Status (5)
- Target value (6)
- Achieved value (7)
- Recurrence (8)
- Delete targets from the Target History table (9).
A strategy is a particular way to achieve a target. For example, for the objective Active Customers, you have a number of strategies along this part of the customer lifecycle which contribute to it, including Grow contact database, Drive first purchase and Reduce customer churn.
Each of these strategies is displayed in a widget with the following controls.
Adding and removing strategies

To add a strategy to the Dashboard, navigate to the last widget in the list and select the strategy you want to add.

If you do not see this last widget, that means there are no other strategies to show for this objective.
Strategy reporting
Click Details on any strategy widget to open its reporting page.
Strategy performance
The top section gives an overview for the strategy, aggregating all the results from all the programs that contribute to it.
Here you can:
- Change the date range and comparison period.
- See the figure for the comparison period.
- View the two figures over the whole time period (including mouse-over pop-ups for individual days).
- See which tactics are available for this strategy and download them.
Audience filtering
Audience filtering requires the following:
- Smart Insight enabled and onboarded. Smart Insight is available in the Advanced Package.
- One active Tactic at least
Audience filtering is supported for the following strategies:
- Drive first purchase
- Reduce customer churn
- Increase premium customer revenue
- Increase active customer revenue
- Drive second purchase
The Impact chart tells you the direct effect of your campaigns by using the total number of your customers in the specific lifecycle stage and the number of customers converted by Emarsys campaigns. By revenue oriented strategies, the chart calculates with the attributed income.
Conversion oriented:
Revenue oriented:
Get Better Results with Tactics
Click this button to open the Tactics page showing all the tactics relating to the strategy. From here you can create a new tactic.
A tactic is an automated marketing campaign which has been designed to contribute to one or more strategies.
For example, if your strategy is to increase the average order value, you can use the Abandoned Browse, Abandoned Cart and Birthday tactics and all these will contribute to your reporting for this strategy.
For more information, see:
Strategic Dashboard widgets
The following widgets are available on the Strategic Dashboard:
- Drive first purchase - You can check the number of contacts who converted to first time buyer from a lead status. Contacts, who became a contact as a result of a purchase, are excluded from the calculation.

- Reduce customer churn - You can check the number of contacts who converted to active lifecycle status from inactive or defecting status.

- Drive web traffic - You can check the number of clicks occurred from email campaigns.

- Increase average order value - You can check the average order value, which is calculated by dividing the revenue by the number of transactions.

- Drive purchase frequency - You can check the average number of days passed since the last purchase of those who purchased on a given day.

- Increase active customer revenue - You can check the revenue generated by active customers. The active stage of the customers is defined by Smart Insight. This revenue is attributed to those contacts who are in the active stage when the purchase has happened.

- Increase premium customer revenue - You can check the revenue, which is attributed to the standard customer categories (i.e. low spender, normal, silver, gold and platinum customers).

- Increase units per transaction - You can check the average units per transaction, which is calculated by dividing the total number of items purchased by the number of transactions.

- Increase number of orders: You can check the number of orders in this widget.
Orders with the same order ID will be deduplicated within 1 day. Please note that duplicate orders cannot be deduplicated if they were made on different days.

- Grow contact database: You can check the number of contacts in your database regardless their opt-in status in this widget.

- Drive second purchase: You can check the number of first-time buyers converted to active customers as a result of a second purchase in this widget, excluding defecting and inactive customers won back.

Strategic Dashboard for Essential package customers
The main difference for customers having the Essential package is that instead of Smart Insight (available in the Advanced package), Strategic Dashboard is using Web Extend for data gathering. This means that no Lifecycle objectives can be selected, only Revenue ones are available. Active Customer is not available in this package.
Within the Revenue objective, all the functions are available:
- Select comparison period
- Data of the main objective
- Supporting KPIs and strategies:
- Increase average order value
- Drive purchase frequency
- Drive web traffic
- Increase items per order
- Set targets (recurring or one-time)
On the individual strategies’ pages you can further examine the corresponding metric and the Tactics that have been initiated for the given strategy. As with the regular version of Strategic Dashboard, custom programs can also be added and followed on these screens.
Strategic Dashboard for Retail customers
For more information, see Strategic Dashboard for Retail customers.