This article provides you information for setting up and managing domains to work with web push.
Domain tab
To navigate to the Domain section, go to Channels > Web Push > Domains tab.
A list of your domains using the Web Push service is displayed here.
You can see the Domain Code, the Domain name, Platform, the date it was Created and last Changed.
Debugging features
The are two methods for debugging:
This information will help you in debugging your SDK integration by examining the first test push accepted users and incoming events. You can then check the correct installation and responses for SDK calls.
Add a domain to the account
- Click on Create Domain on the top right of the screen.
- Add the Domain name and Default language, then click Save.
- The Domain details page will now be displayed. The details shown are:
- Domain Name - The name if the domain set on the previous section.
- Default language - The default language of the site.
- Web Push API (Domain code) - The Emarsys generated domain code. This code is required to be configured within the web SDK to allow for account identification.
- Platforms (Add VAPID / Add APNS) - This section is to add the server keys and certificates needed to send Push message via Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) and VAPID for VAPID browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera etc.
- Domain audience - Provides details of the Opt-ins and Active contacts. The Opt-ins are defined as the contacts that have push enabled and Active contacts are contacts that have interacted with the site within the past 30 days.
Archive a domain
To help optimise the Domains tab, by only displaying the active domains, the feature domain archive should be used. It is available on the Domains tab within the Web Push section of the account.
Domains that are archived are not available for selection when creating a Web Push campaign. However, an archived domain will still be viewable when creating segments.
If the domain that is being archived is connected to any active automation programs, a warning will be displayed, as it is not possible to archive an domain that is connect to any active campaigns. The domain must first be removed from any active automation programs before the domain can be archived.
Click on the downward arrow that is to the left of the program type (in the example above it is the Automation Center), to expand the details of the connected programs.
Click on each campaign listed, which will navigate to the campaign editing screen, and remove the app from the automation program. Once the domain has been removed from all the listed programs, the domain can be archived.