There are some assets (forms, fields, messages, etc.) that you can use in multiple live programs at the same time, and some that you can only use in one. These assets are checked for exclusivity only when the program using them is launched.
If you try to launch a program that uses an asset that is already selected in a node in another program, you will be informed of this and must de-select the asset in the nodes of the other program before you can launch the first program.
Here is an overview of the rules concerning exclusive assets.
- Emails can only be used in one active program, ever.
Not exclusive
- All channels other than email (e.g. SMS, Mobile Engage, Digital Ads, Web Channel) support using the same message in more than one active program.
Finishing a program
When you finish a program, the contacts still in it are allowed to continue through the program until they exit it. Therefore all the exclusive assets in the program remain exclusive and cannot be used in other programs.