Program Reporting helps you monitor the effectiveness of your Automation programs in terms of how well they direct incoming contacts along the right paths, and it also provides helpful insights into the following:
- The volume of traffic processed by the program.
- The number of messages triggered by the program split into channels.
- The revenue generated by the program.
- Program and node-level details.
If you would like to have an analysis of a particular marketing strategy, we recommend using the reporting screens for each channel or Smart Insight.
Use cases
Here you can find a few examples when Program Reporting comes in handy:
- Operational monitoring: If you have just activated a new program, you can check the Program Reporting page to see whether the program is working as expected for the first few weeks.
- Program performance monitoring: The Program Reporting page helps you monitor your program from time to time to check the most relevant contact and message-related metrics: Entered, Messages Triggered, Finished and Exited.
- Troubleshooting: When you receive customer complaints describing that contacts haven’t received your latest email or received another campaign instead, you can check the reporting on a contact level in Interactions programs.
Program Reporting page
Program Reporting provides you with a clear snapshot of how effectively your program functions. Program Reporting gives you a detailed overview of your program including the following:
- History - the main metrics
- Revenue Generated by the Program - the most relevant statistics
- Program Details - detailed program and node-level metrics
The statistics displayed on this page can help you analyze your program or troubleshoot it if you have any issues with it.
You can check Program Reporting as follows:
- When a program is In Testing, you can see test data on the Program Reporting page. Test data is no longer displayed on this page after you activate the program.
- Please note that the Program Reporting page displays the most recent version of your program. If you modify an active program, for example, you delete nodes from it or change the order of nodes, then such actions may result in reporting data loss.
General settings
You can filter the results at the top of the page:
- Results are shown for the last 7 days by default. To change this timeframe, click the datetime picker.
- When selecting the timeframe, please consider that Emarsys does not store reporting data older than 2 years. In the case of Interactions programs, the new Program Reporting screen stores data that have been collected since March 1, 2022. For this reason, you cannot select a time period starting before that date.
- Reporting data for Automation Center programs is only available from August 17, 2022 onwards on the Program Reporting page. Accordingly, when displaying results, the earliest start date you can select for Automation Center programs is August 17, 2022.
- You can switch between Minutely, Hourly, Daily, Weekly and Monthly views.
The available options depend on the selected timeframe. For example, the Minutely or Hourly view is not available if you set the timeframe to 6 months.
- You can display contact-level results by entering the contact’s email address.
Contact-level filtering is only available in Interactions.

- You can modify your program by clicking Edit Program in the top right corner.

You can minimize the widgets displayed on this page by clicking Collapse. The main metrics are displayed even when this widget is collapsed.

History widget
You can see the most important metrics related to your program in this widget.
For detailed metrics, hover your mouse over the chart.
The following metrics are displayed here:
- Entered - The number of occasions when a contact entered the program.
- Messages Triggered - The total number of messages triggered on all channels (email, SMS, Push, In-app, Web Push messages, etc.) by the program.
Please note that the number of sent messages may differ due to deliverability issues (e.g. no email address, blocklists, etc.).
- Finished - The number of occasions when a contact has reached a Finish node regardless of whether they have received a message or made a response.
The Finished metric does not only represent individual contacts who have reached a Finish node. If a single contact has passed through multiple Finish nodes, then all those actions will be counted as Finished.
Exited - The number of occasions when a contact exited the program without reaching a Finish node. This can happen due to the following:
- Contacts have been filtered out by nodes (e.g. the contact did not meet the criteria set in the Decision, Segment, Exclude, Quick filter or Email behavior check node).
- Nodes have been deleted,
- The program’s status has changed to Frozen or Fail-safe,
- The trigger event has expired (trigger event timeout),
- Contacts have left the program because they’ve met the exit criteria or
- Contacts have exited the program because of its participation settings.
To check the details, hover your mouse over the Exited metric.

Revenue Generated by the Program widget
You can see the revenue statistics related to the program in this widget.
- For detailed metrics, hover your mouse over the chart.
- You can switch to the Revenue Analytics page by clicking Revenue Analytics.
The following metrics are displayed here:
- Attributed Revenue - The total revenue attributed to this program.
- Number of Purchases - The total number of purchases made by contacts who participated in this program.
- Average Order Value - The average value of orders attributed to this program. This metric is calculated by dividing the Attributed Revenue by the Number of Purchases.
Consider the following:
- The Revenue Generated by the Program widget is only available if Smart Insight or Web Extend is activated on your account.
- The Revenue Generated by the Program widget displays the revenue based on the time of the purchase event.
- If No data is displayed in the Revenue Generated by the Program widget, it means that we cannot attribute any purchases to your program during the selected time period. For example, if your program’s aim is to filter your contacts (by using a Segment node) and save them into a contact list (by using an Update contact list node), then data will not be available for this widget.
Program Details widget
This widget provides an overview of your program along with detailed node-level metrics.

You can see the following metrics here:
- Numbers above the nodes indicate how many contacts passed through them.
It takes 24 hours until campaigns are sent to Send Time Optimization launch lists. For this reason, reporting will be available only after 24 hours on the node counter on the Program Reporting page.
- The colored bars above the numbers indicate the following:
- Dark blue - The number of contacts who arrived at this node and continued their journey to the next one.

- Red - The number of contacts who exited the program when they arrived at this node.

- Light blue - The number of contacts who are waiting at this node.
Contacts who have arrived at the Wait node before the selected timeframe and are waiting at this node within the given time period are not shown in the Program Details widget.

- Green - The number of contacts who continued their journey on the Yes path of the node.

- Orange - The number of contacts who continued their journey on the No path of the node.

- Other - Here you can see various metrics. For example, the number of contacts who either skipped the node because it’s disabled or the event that triggered the program has expired.

At the bottom of the widget, you can check the program’s settings:

- Schedule - The program’s schedule.
- Participation - The program’s participation settings.
This setting is only available in Automation Center programs.
- Exit criteria - The program’s exit criteria.
This setting is only available in Automation Center programs.