- Please note that this Automation Center node is only available for clients located in Germany already having a business account with Deutsche Post. This node is an alternative to the Direct Mail node.
- If you would like to use the Deutsche Post Print-Mailing node, please contact your Client Success Manger.
Important: By using this feature, you will potentially share personal data of your contacts with a third party. Please note that the way you handle personal data is your sole responsibility for which SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement cannot be held liable. By proceeding, you confirm that you are aware of the potential consequences.
You can connect an Emarsys Automation with a mail campaign set up in the Print-Mailing service of Deutsche Post with the Deutsche Post Print-Mailing node. By using this node, you can export Emarsys contact data or data from the Relational Data database and insert these into a print mail campaign, such as the contact's mail address.
The entire technical setup of the connection between Emarsys and Deutsche Post is managed by Deutsche. Post. Similarly, the content of the mail campaign needs to be set up on the Deutsche Post portal, including the mapping of exported Emarsys personalisation content (contact fields, RDS fields) to the mail content.
This node is only available with a German user interface.
A typical Automation Center program
As the Print-Mailing service is a daily mail sending service, the node is designed to be used in an Automation Center program that is scheduled to run every day:
- It collects contacts through a customer-configured filter and
- Pushes the resulting contact list to the Print-Mailing API once a day.

Configuring the Deutsche Post Print-Mailing node
Here is what you need to do to configure the Deutsche Post Print-Mailing node:
1. Double-click the Deutsche Post Print-Mailing node (you are automatically logged in to your Deutsche Post account).
2. Select the campaign you wish to connect to the Automation Center program (all the Print-Mailing campaigns you have set up in your Deutsche Post account are available in the dropdown).

3. Configure the campaign settings:
a. Minimale Wartekontakte - The minimum number of contacts who will be queued at the node before sending.
b. Maximale Wartezeit in Stunden - The maximum wait time in hours.

4. Set up the personalization variables required for your Print-Mailing campaign. To add a new variable, click + Variable hinzufügen.

Adding a new personalization variable to your Print-Mailing campaign
Here is what you need to do to add a new personalization variable to your Print-Mailing campaign:
1. To add a new personalization variable to your Print-Mailing campaign, click + Variable hinzufügen.
2. Specify the Print-Mailing Definition:
a. Select the Print-Mailing Definition you need (i.e. address personalization or other personalization) by clicking on the corresponding icon.
b. Enter the name for the personalization field you wish to map (in the following example, we used Title) and a field type.

3. Configure the Emarsys Data Definition settings:
a. Select personalisation source by clicking on the corresponding icon:
- Static text: Here you can enter static text.
- Contact database fields
- Relational Data Services database fields
b. Select the required field from the dropdown (in the example above, we used the field 9: Titel from the contact database).
- Select the Leeren Wert erlauben option if you would like to send the mail (print) campaign to the contact even if some personalisation variables are empty. By default, the node will skip contacts where the personalisation source (contact database or Relational Data Services) returns an
value. - When you are ready, click Übernehmen.
Mapping a new variable in the Print-Mailing system
1. Go to your Print-Mailing account by clicking the Zur Kampagnenverwaltung button.
2. Select your campaign and the Definitions you want to map (in the following example, we used Address).

3. In the Print-Mailing interface, you will see that your address data is connected to Emarsys, to the fields you have set up in the Deutsche Post Print-Mailing node.
4. New fields are matched automatically, you just need to review and confirm them by clicking Speichern und weiter.

Testing the Deutsche Post Print-Mailing node
Please coordinate tests with your Deutsche Post representative as the Print-Mailing service has no test option in the API available to Emarsys.
You can track the number of contacts entering your Automation Center program on the Program Reporting page. For all other reports relating to the mails please use the Print-Mailing system of Deutsche Post.