After clicking Create Token, a window appears, where you can select the type of token to be created.

With Voucher tokens you can use your existing voucher pools to create tokens that can be used across channels. These tokens will display a code for your customers until the voucher pool runs out.
First you need to create a voucher pool to be able to use them for token creation.
Creating a voucher pool
To create a voucher pool, proceed as follows:
In the Add-ons menu, click Omnichannel Voucher and click Add New Pool.
- Enter a name for the pool.
- Browse the voucher file. For more information, see Preparing your voucher file.
- Click Upload.
- If checked, each contact will receive a new code from this pool every time you include this voucher pool in a message. If not checked, contacts will receive the same code that was assigned to them for the first time.
Be careful enabling this option with Web Channel campaigns as it can consume your pool quickly.
When using Direct Mail with Omnichannel Vouchers and the toggle is enabled that each contact can receive multiple codes, it is expected to see higher code consumption.
This occurs, because Direct Mail checks the contacts' details to ensure the most up-to-date information before printing. As a result, the same contact may receive more than one code within a few hours due to this check, but it is an expected behavior.
- Block message sending if this voucher pool is used and there are no codes left in the pool.
- Provide a default code to be sent when the pool is empty.
- Click to send reminder notification via the Notification Center, if the voucher pool is running out of codes.
- Click Save. Your pool is ready to be used in campaigns.
Creating a voucher token
- Give your token a descriptive name.
- Select the category you want to add the token to. As you can see, a single token can be used in more than one category. You can also create a new category, for more info, see Creating a token category.
- Choose a voucher pool. You should find your previously created voucher pool in this drop down menu. This code can be copied and inserted into blocks, too. For more information on ESL, see Emarsys Scripting Language.
- Check this box if you want to make sure that the message is not sent out if the personalization token cannot be populated.
- Add a fallback text that will be displayed if the value of the field cannot be obtained for some reason. Using a fallback text and marking the field as a requirement for sending are mutually exclusive.
- This is the ESL code of your voucher token.
- Add the formatting details of the token.
You can use this code on channels where there is no UI support for Omni-channel Personalization.
Note the information box about display settings override: this means that the settings you make here can be later overridden if needed at campaign-level.
Voucher codes created under Content > Voucher Management can be added to emails as ESL Snippets as well. Write the Field ID of the voucher pool into as the following: {{contact.field_ID}}
The Field ID can be checked under Management > Field Editor > Voucher fields.
Note, that voucher tokens prepared under Content > Voucher Management may encounter issues in web channel campaigns. Before including such voucher tokens in web channel campaigns, send them in email campaigns first.
Alternatively, try the updated version of Vouchers under Add-ons with new tokens. For more information, contact your Client Success Manager.