Email Campaign Check is a new service replacing Deliverability Advisor. It’s available for Block-Based (VCE) and HTML campaigns. This service is not available for the old template-based (VCMS) content editor.
Email Campaign Check is the next step in the email creation wizard after Content Creation. It helps you identify potential issues with your campaigns before launch to avoid lower engagement rates or your campaign potentially being flagged as spam.
After creating your campaign, Email Campaign Check helps you ensure that your campaign won’t be flagged as potential spam and it checks:
- That the campaign contains the required information: from name, sender domain, return path, etc.
- The email content (such as subject line and email body) and ensures there are no potential spam words.
Email Campaign Check consists of the following widgets:
The Email Campaign Check cannot be loaded if the Heavy Tactics Product Block or Tactics Block templates are used in your campaign.
It is recommended to check the results on the Email Campaign Check page before launching new campaigns to be sure that you follow the best practices and have a better chance of a trouble-free launch.
Email Content Check
Email Campaign Check examines your campaign and identifies possible issues in your content. After checking your email content, the results are displayed in the following order:
Errors in email content
Here you can find all the errors that will prevent your campaign from being sent (e.g. missing from email address). For more information on the messages, see Email Content Checks explained.

Warnings in email content
Here you can find all the issues that can have a possible negative impact on campaign performance or deliverability. These warning messages help you identify those parts of your campaign that could improve engagement after revision. For more information on the messages, see Email Content Checks explained.
Success in email content
Here you can find all the checks that your campaign passed successfully. For more information on the messages, see Email Content Checks explained.
Email Content Checks explained
Here you can find the detailed description of the available Email Content Checks:
- Email Headers - This new check examines if the sender email address, from name and return path address are present in your campaign and their syntax is correct. If the sender email address, from name or return path is missing from your campaign, an error will be displayed and you will be asked to enter a valid email address before continuing the process. It also checks if there are syntax errors in your domains.
- Recipient Source Check - This check examines whether you have selected a Recipient source for your campaign. If you have not selected any, then a warning message appears. Please select a Recipient source before scheduling your campaign.
Subject Line - It consists of two different checks:
- The first one examines if the subject line is present to ensure that your campaign is not sent out without it. If your campaign has a subject line, we then check its length to ensure that it is within 40-50 characters according to our guidelines. If your subject line is below or above the suggested limit, a warning is displayed. A subject line below the threshold could lead to your email being identified as a potential spam. On the other hand, a subject line above the suggested limit can cause display issues when your email is opened on a mobile device.
- The second check examines spam words: the words included in your subject line are compared to SpamAssassin rules version 3.4.6. Words in the subject line that are listed there will be highlighted under Warnings in email content, so that you can replace them. If both checks are passed without any issues, you will see a message under Success in email content.Fore more information on how to write a good subject line, see Writing a good subject line.
Preheader - This new check examines if a preheader is present in your email campaign:
- If a pre-header is missing, then a warning message appears.
- If there is a pre-header, then it checks if it contains spam words similarly to the Subject Line check. If the pre-header contains spam words, then they will be flagged, so that you can replace them and potentially avoid a negative impact on your deliverability rate. If both checks are passed without any issues, then you will see a message under Success in email content.
Email Body Wording - This new check examines if the text and HTML versions of your email body contain any spam words. During the spam check, ISPs often look for empty email bodies or spam words within the email body. It consists of two checks:
- The first check examines if the email content is empty in the text and HTML versions of your campaign.
- If content is detected in either or both versions, then it will be searched for spam words similarly to the Subject Line and Preheader spam check. If the check finds spam words, they will be listed under Warnings in email content so that you can replace them. For more information on why it is important to have both text and HTML versions for email campaigns, see Text versions.
- Multi-Part Message - It is recommended to have both text and HTML versions for email campaigns because missing text versions may trigger anti-spam filters (spammers typically do not invest in this effort). If the check cannot find either version of your email, then a warning message appears before sending your campaign. It is also useful in the unlikely event when a contact cannot display your message in HTML format as your campaign will still be readable. For more information on multi-part messages (MIME), see Multi-part messages.
- Mail Message Size - It is recommended to keep the size of your email message between 15-100 KB. Messages above this limit might be truncated in specific email clients. Emails below the suggested threshold may trigger a spam filter. If your email is above or below our recommended limit, a warning will appear informing you about the issue. For more information on email message size, see Email File Size.
The tool checks the complete email, including all meta data like headers, mime, HTML and text versions, to give the most accurate information of what the message size will be when the campaign is sent out.
Link Domain Consistency - This check flags potential issues with link domains used in your campaign. It consists of the following parts:
- It checks if the link and sender domains used in your message match. It is highly recommended that you use the same domain for links and sender. If these do not match, then your emails might be regarded as phishing risks. If the link and sender domains do not match, then a warning message appears.
- It checks links that could be potentially flagged as phishing links. If such a link is identified, then an error message is displayed including the link that could be flagged. For more information, see Phishing links.
- Finally, it checks the text version of your email for visible link text (e.g. We recommend using website names instead of visible text links.
- Image URLs - This check examines image links used in your campaign to ensure their format is valid and they will not appear to be phishing links. If it finds such an issue, an error message appears including the affected link. For more information, see Phishing links.
- Alternative Text for Images - Alternative text describes an image, which is useful when images are not displayed in your email upon delivery. In this case, your contacts will still have an idea of what the image was supposed to show. Using alternative text for images can help improve accessibility and engagement when images are not displaying. If this check does not find any alternative text in your email, an error message appears. You can still send your emails without using alternative text but please note that it could impact your email performance negatively.
- Responsiveness - It checks media queries within your campaign. Media queries are required for emails to be rendered correctly to devices other than desktop. If you are using templates built by Emarsys, then you will not be affected because all our templates are designed to be mobile responsive, unless you have explicitly decided otherwise. If you are using your own HTML code and your campaign does not include media queries, a warning message appears.
- Image Domain Consistency - It checks if all image domains used in your campaign have the same parent domains. Using different domains might seem suspicious to ISPs. If the check does not find any image domains or the domains in your campaign match, a message appears under Success in email content. If the check finds that domains vary from one another, an error message appears. ISPs might mistake varying domains for potential phishing links. For more information, see Phishing links.
- Email Footer - It checks if your email footer contains Emarsys unsubscribe links. Both the HTML and text versions of your campaign are checked for Emarsys unsubscribe links. If it does not find a valid Emarsys unsubscribe link, then a warning message appears. It might happen that you are using a custom unsubscribe link that we could not detect in your campaign. In this case, the warning message informs you that we could not find an Emarsys unsubscribe link and that we recommend using one because it could have a positive impact on deliverability. For more information, see 6. Footer.
Deliverability Engagement Score
The Benchmark serving as the basis for the Deliverability Engagement Score has been updated on November 29, 2019.
The Deliverability Engagement Score (DES) is a summary of the engagement levels of your contacts over the past two weeks or three months (whichever it takes to cover 20,000 sent emails).
Your open, click and unsubscribe rates are compared against the Emarsys global averages and each one is awarded a score between 0 and 100, according to how high they rank.
The overall DES score can be between these values (In reality of course both of these scores are highly unlikely):
- 0: In that case you have the worst engagement of any account in all three categories
- 300: If you are our highest global performer in all three categories (open, click, unsubscribe).
The Benchmark values are provided for the three response metrics (open, click, unsubscribe), separately. These are based on the data of all our customers who have sent at least 20,000 emails in the past three months.

The Open rate has been removed from the KPI view as it is no longer a reliable source of information due to Apple Mail Privacy Open (MPP). We recommend focusing on the Click rate as a reliable campaign performance metric. The Open rate is still part of the benchmark calculation as the calculation remains unchanged.
Why are DES scores useful?
You should always keep an eye on your DES as it can be a helpful indicator of deliverability problems. Each and every launched email campaign can change this score: it can either increase it in case of high email engagement and good deliverability, or decrease it if the engagement is low.
Your good deliverability improves the overall reputation of Emarsys as a global email provider, which in turn benefits you. This is a classic virtuous circle in the making.
The DES scores are color-coded:
- Red - 0 -> 100 points. This means that your results are in the lowest 10% of all Emarsys accounts.
- Orange - 101 -> 200 points. This means that your results rank between 10% and 40% on the global scale.
- Green - 201 -> 300 points. This means that your results are in the best-performing 60% of accounts.
It is important to stay within the green band and to use the actual score itself to measure your own progress over time.
Known issues and limitations
- The Email Campaign Check cannot examine that your email footer contains custom unsubscribe links that were not generated via the Emarsys platform.
- The Email Campaign Check cannot be loaded if the Heavy Tactics Product Block or Tactics Block templates are used in your campaign.
- The Email Campaign Check service is not available in the old template-based (VCMS) content editor. As communicated at the end of 2021 the template-based editor no longer receives new feature development, which is why we have deprecated the existing Deliverability Advisor completely on June 15, 2023. For more information VCMS, see Campaign Creation Using the VCMS Editor.