This lifecycle Tactic uses AI Predictive lifecyle segments to encourage existing customers to make repeat purchases for access to exclusive rewards or gifts with every purchase.
It supports the Revenue objective and contributes to the Retention of active customers strategy.
You can watch a short video on how to create this Tactic here:
Automation Center program
The program looks like this.
The key element is an A/B splitter node, which randomly splits customers into a low, medium and high value offer categories of 75%, 20% and 5%, respectively. They are encouraged to take part in a "lottery" which gives them a certain amount of discount at checkout.
Customers take part in a Digital Ads and a Web Channel campaign, too.
The Max AI elements
The program starts with a segment containing all customer who have made a purchase above EUR 30. The lottery email is sent to all members of this segment. The Digital Ads and Web Channel campaigns, on the other hand, are only sent to customers who are segmented by the Predictive lifecycle segment for buyers AI segment template, with the conditions set to return all customers who have made a purchase and are likely to convert in the next 30 days.
Activating the Tactic
- Three voucher pools: low, medium and high offers
- One email
- Make 2 additional copies of the email.
- Add the voucher pools to each corresponding copy of the email campaign.
- Add personalization (first name, last name) and product recommendations.
- Replace the emails in the Automation Center program.
- Set entry limits and proportions of 3 prize pools in the Automation Center program.
- Activate.