Prior to launching an email campaign, we recommend sending a test email. These test emails are not recorded as part of the launch and no contact responses (opens, clicks etc.) are displayed in the Email Analysis. Scheduling settings, the launch list or A/B testing versions are not affected by testmails.
- To send a test mail, open the Content Creation page and click Testmail.

- In the pop-up, set the Subject line and the Recipient source. This can be either a Contact list, a Segment or you can Enter email addresses manually.
- Click Send to launch the testmail.

- When sending a testmail, select a contact list or segment that contains a maximum of 50 contacts. If the contact list or segment contains more than 50 contacts, the following error message will be displayed and your testmail will not be sent: "You cannot send a testmail to segments or contact lists with more than 50 recipients."
- If you enter an email address manually, the testmail will not contain any personalization and block targeting, even if the contact exists in your Emarsys database.
- If you test an on-event campaign using a contact list or segment, you may receive an error stating that the From (email address) is missing. This occurs when you try to test an older on-event campaign whose sender address has not been approved for Triggered Email sending.
To get round this restriction, you can either trigger the email from the even itself, or ask Emarsys Support to enable the sender address for Triggered Email.
It is not possible to send testmails in the following cases:
- Sending testmails to manually entered email addresses when using personalization in the email (including ESL tokens) as individual email addresses are not tied to contacts on their own. The platform will not be able to correctly match the personalization to the correct contact. The sending will fail.
- Sending testmails to manually entered email addresses from on-event type email campaigns.
- If the email campaign contains personalization values coming from an external event. In such cases, test the email campaign directly in the Automation Center or Interactions program by triggering to the test user with the proper external data for personalization.
If you want to send a testmail with personalization to a single contact in your contact database, first create a segment that only contains that contact. One way to do that is to use the Email Equal
filter condition. Then, in the Send Testmail dialog, select this segment as the recipient source.