The Emarsys Loyalty add-on enables you to create contact segments based on your loyalty program.
Loyalty segments are relational segments as their information is stored in a relational database. At the start of the onboarding process, your Implementation Consultant creates eight segmentation templates for you which you can later use to create the relevant Loyalty segments.
These segments can be used in your Automation Center programs to target the relevant contacts with your campaigns.
Creating Loyalty relational segments
To create a Loyalty segment please go to Contacts > Segments > Create Segment and then choose Relational Segment.

1. Provide a name and description for the segment.
2. Select from the available Loyalty relational segment templates:

3. Provide the needed parameters if the selected template requires it:
Example: If you choose the template [Number] of Points to next tier, you have the option to decide the number points to be considered close to next tier. When entering 100 points, the segment will return all contacts with 100 or less points away from entering the next tier.

After saving this segment you can use it in your email campaigns, AC programs etc. exactly like any other segment.
Loyalty template segments
1. Loyalty [Number] of Points to next tier
Returns all contacts with X amount of points missing for the next tier
2. Loyalty Points about to expire
Returns all contacts who have points that are about to expire. The number of returned contacts depends on the number of days entered as an account setting in Loyalty Management.

3. Loyalty members joined [Number] of days ago
All contacts that joined X number of days ago
4. Loyalty members joined from starting from [date]
All contacts that joined from a specific date onwards
5. Loyalty members - all
Returns all Loyalty members
You can use this segment with the Exclude node to find all contacts who have not yet joined Loyalty.
6. Loyalty members of tier [tier]
Returns all contacts from a specific tier
7. Loyalty members selected on status points
Returns all contacts whose status points (cannot be spent by the customer, used for advancing between tiers) are in the specified range
8. Loyalty members selected on balance points
Returns all contacts whose balance points (can be spent by the contact) are in the specified range