Emarsys Loyalty
Browse by section
Emarsys Loyalty Overview and Strategy
- Overview:: Emarsys Loyalty - Overview
- Overview:: Emarsys Loyalty - Points
- Overview:: Emarsys Loyalty - Structure
- Overview:: Loyalty plan types
- Overview:: Sign Up for Loyalty
- Loyalty strategy - From scratch to an active plan:: What is your objective?
Loyalty Implementation & Activation
- Implementation:: Implementation Phases
- Implementation:: Importation des données Loyalty
- Implementation:: Migrating contact information to Loyalty
- Implementation:: Installing and testing the Loyalty Wallet, Exclusive Access and the API
- Implementation:: Loyalty Permissions
- Implementation:: Setting up Loyalty RDS connection
Emarsys Loyalty User Guides
- Tiers and Benefits:: Setting up tiers
- Tiers and Benefits:: Setting up fixed benefits
- Tiers and Benefits:: Invitation only tier
- Tiers and Benefits:: Additional Benefits
- Tiers & Benefits:: Tiers FAQ
- Rewards:: Voucher overview
Loyalty Tactics
- Loyalty and Tactics
- Adhérer à Loyalty
- Onboarding
- Upgraded to higher tier
- Points about to expire
- Close to next tier