Creating essential segments
To create a contact, email behavior, geolocation or Smart Insight segment, proceed as follows:
1. Select Contacts > Segments, then click Create Segment.
2. Click Standard Segment, then choose Contact, Email behavior, Geo, Smart Insight segment.
Smart Insight segments can be created both here and on the Smart Insight interface.

3. Give your segment a Name and add a Description to it.
This can help you identify segments easily on the Overview page.
4. Choose your Source list.
- Segment results are cached for 10 minutes. So, if you run the same segment again within 10 minutes, you will get the previous (cached) results.
- All segments are run against either all contacts in your account, or on a specific contact list. You cannot run a segment directly on another segment, but you can combine multiple segments together.
Filter conditions
This is where you define which contacts should be in the segment. You can base this on various criteria, see below. Within each category, you can create any number of conditions, but all on the same level and all linked by the AND operator.
You can choose from the following criteria:
Conditions are added and removed via the + and - icons.
If you want to define a more complex filter, for example with nested conditions or using both the AND and OR operators, click Advanced Filter Options.
To add a nested sub-criterion, click the plus sign on the right side. Select the AND/OR operator from the drop-down menu.
In the example figure above, the new segment is created with the following criteria:
- all contacts are from Germany, AND
- they have an email address, AND
- they are female AND have more then 3 children, AND
one of the following criteria is true:
- they are older than 30, OR
- their education is to university-level or unspecified, OR
- they work in retail/wholesale/e-commerce, OR
- their marital status is single or unspecified.
There can be many levels of nested sub-criteria, but we strongly encourage not using more than 4 levels since it makes the criteria on the screen very hard to decipher.
Combining segments with other segments
If you would like to combine segments with other segments, follow the instructions described in Creating combined segments.