On the Forms page you can view and edit existing forms and create new ones.
Product documentation:
As a quick reminder, here is the onboarding video about Forms:
The Forms page
The list displayed here shows all existing forms, as well as their Type, Name, the Admin (user) who created them and their Creation and Change Date.
Different form types
This type is used to generate a form you can use for any kind of registration. General Registration forms come with an optional login feature (see below) which can identify registered contacts via one or more fields before directing them to a form or web page.
With a Change Profile form, contacts can update their personal data. Emarsys offers a standard form by default but the fields in this form cannot be added, removed or renamed. If you want to include different fields, you can create your own Change Profile form instead and insert that into the email.
This type is used to generate a form for a contact request. If you decide to create a Contact Us form, the creation wizard is extended with a Recipients page. Here you decide who will receive the contact notification message. Enter their name, email address and responsibility.
On the Data Fields page you can select an opt-in invitation from another form and include it in the Contact Us. On the Source Code page, an individual link is created for every recipient you add. You can copy the link and place it in the source code of your page (e.g. the support page). If a contact clicks the link, they go directly to the form of the designated recipient. In doing this, you avoid having an additional page where the contact must make yet another selection.
Opting in and out
Different registration forms set different opt-ins for the contacts who register through them.
General Registration forms set a general opt-in for contacts. Should a contact later unsubscribe, they are unsubscribed from all your marketing emails (the field Opt-in is set to
We recommend to use only General Registration forms to create new contacts.
Remember that in most countries or regions, contacts must by law be able to opt out from marketing communication.
cannot be used for unsubscribing, only the standard Unsubscribe link works.
For register.php form requests there is a rate limit to avoid attacks from bots. The rate limit will block requests triggered from the backend as they will come from the same IP.
The form login feature
The login feature requires contacts to log in before they can submit the form. You can find it on the Forms – Description page; it assists you in the following:
- You can provide registered contacts with an opportunity to update their profiles via your website. A contact’s login data is unique; as soon as contacts have been identified they can access the actual form and update their data.
- If your customer data is incomplete (e.g. there are email addresses missing) you can encourage your customers to provide information via offline promotions. By the use of a login form on your website each contact is identified by unique criteria and duplicates are avoided.
- You can protect sensitive areas on your website. In this case, the login form authorizes a registered contact to enter such an area.
To integrate a login field in your form, proceed as follows:
- Activate the Use a login page option. The section is expanded.
You cannot define more than three login fields. When selecting a field please consider that contact data cannot be linked to a contact unless the identification criteria is unique.
The reCAPTCHA feature
It is possible to embed Google's reCAPTCHA v2 site protection service into your forms. The general purpose of the service is to protect your site from form abuse, such as list bombing attacks carried out by spambots. These widgets usually require your contacts receiving your form to click on a checkbox to verify their identity.
Google's reCAPTCHA solution is widely used across the internet. For more information on its internal working, see Google's documentation.

If your contacts do not pass the initial check of the reCAPTCHA, they are presented with a visual challenge. The challenges can be reloaded.

reCAPTCHA v2 also supports audio challenges for the visually impaired. The most well-known screenreaders recognize reCAPTCHA widgets.
reCAPTCHA v2 can be implemented in your form in the following format:
- "I'm not a robot" Checkbox - Visible checkbox and challenge if required

Implementing the reCAPTCHA widget into your form increases the security of your site, and the trust of your contacts towards your service.
For more information on implementing reCAPTCHA v2, see Google's documentation and Creating and editing forms.
Using reCAPTCHA v2 disables the Background registration option in the Source code tab.
In case you would like to implement a CAPTCHA solution with background registration, you do not need to enable the reCAPTCHA support.