If you would like to use our Sales Data Batch Loads solution, please contact your Implementation Consultant.
For information on Sales Data Batch Loads, watch the June 2024 Product Release video:
Our new Sales Data Batch Loads solution allows you to upload large volumes of batch (CSV) sales data via SFTP to Emarsys. It also helps you to evaluate and improve the quality of your sales data with precise interpretation of data fields and enhanced data validation.
Sales Data Batch Loads brings you the following benefits:
Data onboarding and data loads:
- The limit of the CSV file upload increased to 100 GB,
- CSV data uploads start immediately,
- You can use multiple external identifiers to resolve contacts.
Data quality:
- Data interpretation, data quality and validation have been improved,
- You can correct and reload orders containing errors without truncating the database,
- You can assess the severity of data load issues on a file and order level in the new user interface,
- Inspecting data load issues and exporting the errors became easier.
Overall convenience:
- You can export the uploaded CSV files from the user interface,
- You can add new fields to the CSV file without truncating the database (new fields are taken into account after the change and not retroactively),
- You can delete the sales database without affecting your contact data,
- Data load configurations are delineated from product-level configurations,
- Configurable data load and error notifications in Emarsys and via email.
Product documentation:
Supported features
- Revenue Attribution
- Event Attribution
- Campaign Analytics
- Audience Reporting
- Value Measurement
- Strategic Dashboard - Note: Smart Insight is required
- Store Reporting - Note: Store data can be loaded via Smart Insight
- Unified Dashboard
- Smart Insight Analytics
- Trend Reporting
- AI scores and segments - Note: Web Extend data is required
- Lifecycle segments
Automation Programs:
Loyalty use cases are not supported at this stage of development.
To use our Sales Data Batch Loads solution, you need to format your sales data CSV file based on the requirements described in Standard Sales Data CSV file requirements and you need to have Batch Sales Data Loads enabled.
Sales Data Loads
You can check your data loads, error details and potential data quality issues on the Sales Data Loads page.
Sales Data Notifications
To enable notifications, click the Notifications icon, then click Settings.
You can configure your notification settings under Sales Data Notifications.
If you would like to receive email notifications, check the Also in Email checkbox next to the specific notification.
The notifications contain the load date of the sales data file and the file name. To display more details, click Go to File Details.

Deleting Sales Data
You can delete your complete sales data.
After deleting your sales data, data will be removed from all Emarsys features and services you use via Sales Data Batch Loads.
Before deleting the complete sales data, we recommend pausing all your running programs and campaigns using sales data.
To delete your complete sales data, proceed as follows:
- Go to Management > Sales Data Batch Loads.
- Click Delete Sales Data.
- Make sure that you are familiar with all the possible consequences, then click Delete All Sales Data.

Known issues and limitations
- Duplicating purchases or reusing the same identifiers is not supported and might lead to unexpected behavior. Make sure to upload unique transaction identifiers. Emarsys checks duplicate purchases in the last 30 days. If there is a duplicate that is older than 30 days, then it will be ignored and the more recent transaction is taken into consideration.