You can search for contacts, email campaigns, registration forms, segments, contact lists, bounced emails and email campaign reports with the Search tool.
For example, you can use the Search tool to check a test contact or find an email campaign that you would like to edit.

Please note that the underscore character ’_
’ acts as a wildcard when searching for contacts, campaigns or other resources. The results will include, for example, emails containing the search expression with one character difference at the location of the underscore.
If you would like to find specific contacts, we suggest creating a segment that filters contacts by a certain attribute, for example: Email Begins with test_
Search scope
You can choose from the following Search scope options:
- in contacts by first name - It searches for contacts by first name.
- in contacts by last name - It searches for contacts by last name.
- in contacts by email - It searches for contacts by email address.
- in email campaigns - It searches for email campaigns by name.
- in registration forms - It searches for registration forms by name.
- in segments - It searches for segments by name.
- in lists - It searches for contact lists by name.
- in bounces - It searches for bounced emails by email address.
- in email analysis - It searches for email campaign reports by campaign name.
Search results
If you search for email campaigns, registration forms, segments, contact lists, bounced emails or email campaign reports, then the search results will be displayed on the corresponding overview page.