The Voucher Management page is located in the Content menu. Here, you can upload pools of voucher codes that can be automatically added to your email campaigns.
Please note that Emarsys takes care of sending unique codes to your contacts, but you have to manage the mechanism for redeeming them on your end.
What are vouchers?
Vouchers are nothing more than unique alphanumeric codes specified by you that can be sent to your recipients, who can then redeem them for discounts or special offers. Each voucher code can only ever be sent once, and to one contact.
Vouchers are uploaded to Emarsys in a voucher pool, which is simply a single column of codes saved in .txt or .csv format, such as:

Only identified, already existing contacts can receive vouchers. Vouchers cannot be issued for unknown or future users.
Preparing your voucher file
When preparing the file which contains your voucher codes, please bear in mind the following:
- The file format must be .txt or .csv.
- A voucher code cannot contain more than 60 characters. If they contain more, only the first 60 will be displayed, potentially rendering the code invalid.
- The file must be UTF-8 encoded.
- The file must not contain any BOM characters.
If your file does meet all requirements and it is still not accepted, try to open your TXT file and save it with a different text editor, or try to save it as a CSV in Excel.
If you still do not succeed with uploading it, contact Emarsys Support.
Creating a voucher pool
To create a voucher pool, proceed as follows:
1. Upload the voucher file
- Open the Content menu and click Voucher Management.
- Click Add New Pool and enter a name for the pool.

The name of the pool must not contain brackets, ie. "(" and ")", and the following character: &.
- In the Voucher Pool dialog, click Choose file and browse for the file containing the voucher codes.
- Click Upload.
2. Reminder settings
- You can configure an email notification which will be triggered when your voucher pool is running low.
- Set the number of codes to trigger the reminder. When the pool falls to this level, a notification email will be sent.
- Enter the email address(es) to which this email will be sent.
3. Empty pool settings
- Choose whether you want to continue to send emails once the codes run out.
- If you want to stop sending emails, activate the Do not send emails if the voucher pool is empty checkbox.
- If you want to continue sending emails, leave this checkbox empty and define the default text to display in place of the voucher when the pool is empty.
- Click Save; the new pool is added to the list on the Overview page.
Adding vouchers to an email campaign
To include vouchers in an email, proceed as follows:
- Open the email in the Content Editor where you want to display the voucher code and click the Personalize icon.
- In the Personalize pop-up, scroll down to (or search for) the voucher pool name and insert it by clicking its name.

- This will appear in the editor as a personalization variable.

Voucher codes created under Content > Voucher Management can be added to emails as ESL Snippets as well. Write the Field ID of the voucher pool into as the following: {{contact.field_ID}}
The Field ID can be checked under Management > Field Editor > Voucher fields.
Note, that voucher tokens prepared under Content > Voucher Management may encounter issues in web channel campaigns. Before including such voucher tokens in web channel campaigns, send them in email campaigns first.
Alternatively, try the updated pilot version of Vouchers under Add-ons with new tokens. For more information, contact your Client Success Manager.
- When you launch the campaign, for every email sent this variable is replaced with a unique voucher code taken from the code pool, and the number of codes remaining in the pool is reduced accordingly.

Please be aware, that it is not recommended to use vouchers with block targeting.
By an email with targeted blocks containing voucher codes, voucher management assigns vouchers also to contacts who do not see the voucher blocks (as they filtered out in the email). This may lead to voucher pools unexpectedly running out (higher than expected rate of code use), which in turn may lead to unsent emails if the Do not send emails if voucher pool is empty option is checked.
Using vouchers in email campaigns
When using vouchers in email campaigns, please be aware of the following behavior:
- Although vouchers are added using the personalization feature, these codes will not show up when you Check Personalization before you launch the email campaign.
- If you would like to send a testmail containing a voucher code, send it to a contact list or segment because in this case, only one voucher code will be used per test contact (if you send the testmail again, the same voucher codes will be sent to the same contacts).
If you add your test email addresses manually, each time you send a testmail, two new voucher codes will be used in each testmail (one in the HTML and one in the text version).
- If you use vouchers in recurring campaigns, once a contact receives a voucher code, they will continue to receive the same voucher code in every future mailing.
- If you use vouchers in recurring campaigns, and have selected Do not send emails if voucher pool is empty, once the pool is empty, only contacts who have already received a voucher will receive the campaign, until the pool is refilled. The other contacts will be listed in the Results Summary under No content.
Editing voucher pools
An existing voucher pool can only be edited by the user who created it. If you want to transfer the admin rights of a pool to another user, please contact Emarsys support.
In case of modifying the name of an existing Voucher Pool, it is not reflected in the related fields (e.g.: contact_name field), the name change only applies to the Voucher Pool name. The contact's profile, email content, field editor, segment always shows the original name.
Uploading more voucher codes
If you receive a notification that the codes are about to run out in a voucher pool, you can open the pool for editing and upload a new file with more codes, as described above. When uploading new codes, please bear in mind the following:
- The file name does not have to be the same as the previous file, or the same as the voucher pool name.
- The codes themselves must be unique and different to those codes already used in that campaign.
- Codes only have to be unique within each pool, but to avoid errors we recommend to use unique codes for all campaigns.
- The txt. or the .csv file containing the voucher codes cannot be larger than 64 MB.
An existing voucher pool can only be edited by the user who created it. If you want to transfer the admin rights of a pool to another user, please contact Emarsys support.
When using Direct Mail with Omnichannel Vouchers and the toggle is enabled that each contact can receive multiple codes, it is expected to see higher code consumption.
This occurs, because Direct Mail checks the contacts' details to ensure the most up-to-date information before printing. As a result, the same contact may receive more than one code within a few hours due to this check, but it is an expected behavior.
When a voucher pools runs out of codes
If you have not activated the option Do not send emails if the voucher pool is empty, the campaign will continue to send emails but the voucher code will be replaced with the default text you have defined (see above).
If you have activated the option Do not send emails if the voucher pool is empty, the behavior differs slightly according to the campaign type.
For batch campaigns
- The campaign will send emails to as many contacts are there are voucher codes left in the pool. After that, the campaign finishes and no more emails are sent.
- The contacts who did not receive an email are listed in the Results Summary under No content (you can then save them as a contact list and send a follow-up copy of the campaign with a new set of codes if you wish).
For recurring campaigns
- Each launch is treated as a batch campaign. As soon as the pool is smaller than the launch list, the next campaign will send to as many contacts are there are codes left. The remaining contacts will be listed in the Results Summary under No content.
- As long as you upload a new set of codes immediately, the following launch will continue as normal. If you do not, the next campaign will not be launched, and you will not be notified. The contacts on the launch lists of these campaigns (who received no emails) will continue to be added to the Results Summary under No content.
For on-event and transactional/API campaigns
- When the pool runs out of codes, no more emails will be sent.
- As soon as the pool has more codes, the next emails that are triggered will be sent.
- The contacts who missed out on the email in between are listed in the Results Summary under No content.
For Automation Center programs
- When the pool runs out of codes, the affected email node will cease to function as a node and contacts will simply pass through it.
- As soon as the pool has more codes, the email node will start working again.
- The contacts who missed out on the email in between are listed in the Results Summary under No content.
Deleting voucher pools
If you would like to delete a voucher pool that you are not using anymore, please contact Emarsys Support.
Each voucher pool creation process generates a contact field that can be reused later on by other processes. As a result, there may be a dependency on the contact fields created for the pools, so voucher pools cannot be deleted in the following cases:
- Pool is used in an export
- Pool is used in an import
- Pool is used in a form
- Pool is used in a segment
- Pool is used in an Interactions or AC program.
Why can't I see vouchers when I Check Personalization before launch?
The Check Personalization feature references the contact database, but the voucher codes are stored in a different database. Including vouchers in this check is planned in a future release.