When you delete an email, it is not fully deleted but moved to a different folder internally. If the deleted email has already been launched, very little changes; the images in the email will still be downloaded and the links will still work and be tracked, including the online version and unsubscribe.
Deleted emails will not be listed on the Email Campaigns or Email Analysis pages. To display the list of deleted campaigns, click Show Deleted Campaigns.
The following rules also apply to campaign deletion:
- If an already scheduled email campaign is deleted, it will not be launched either.
- In the case of cc'd recipients, the CC campaign will still be launched to your seed list or test list internally. To avoid this, you need to unschedule the campaign.
- If a campaign has multiple launches or A/B tests, only launches scheduled after campaign deletion will be cancelled. All launches before deletion are impossible to cancel or recall.
- After the campaign is ready, the recipient source (segment, combined segment, contact list) is calculated and the result is stored 30 minutes before the campaign deployment. After that, none of the changes applied to the segment will have an effect on the launched campaign.
Deleting email campaigns used in Automation Center programs
When you try to delete or deactivate email campaigns listed on the Email Campaigns page that are used in active Automation Center programs, a dialog appears and checks where the selected campaign is being used.

An email campaign is considered a Blocker if deleting it would prevent a campaign or program from running. You cannot delete Blockers unless you remove them from the program where they are being used.
To open the program where the campaign is being used, click the Edit icon.
While you are working on other tabs to remove Blockers, the dialog displaying the blocking issues is automatically refreshed, so you can delete the ones where you resolved the blocking issues without reloading this dialog.
After resolving the blocking issues, you can delete the email campaign by clicking Delete.