Send email
In this node you select an email which will be sent to contacts as soon as they arrive at the node.
- The email itself can be previewed or edited through opening the properties pop-up.
- If you open an email from a program, the program name is displayed at the top and you can return to the program via the linked program name at the top.
- In transactional programs, Send email nodes can process a maximum of 250,000 contacts coming from New contact, Data change or On auto-import (this limitation only applies to programs starting with the On auto-import node that were created before September 13, 2021) entry points. Any more contacts than this, and the program will be put into fail-safe mode.
We strongly recommend that you break up imports that contain more than 250,000 contacts into smaller blocks, or freeze any programs that might be affected until after the import has been completed.
- Once an email campaign was selected in an Automation Center program, it cannot be used again in any other programs (not even in the same program). The campaign won't be available for selection even if you remove it from the Send email node within the original program. To overcome this issue, you need to copy the original campaign and select copied one in the Send email node.
Emails used in programs are of the type On program event. Other email types can be selected from the Automation Center are also available for selection, but they will lose their recipient source and scheduling page once selected.

Update contact list
You can add contacts to or remove them from a contact list by using this node.

The following options are available in the Update contact list node:
- Select or create a contact list - You can create a new contact list or select an already existing one. Contacts will be added to or removed from the selected contact list.
If you enter a new contact list, then it will be created when the first contact arrives at this node. From that point on, you can check this contact list by clicking View Contact List.
What to do with contacts arriving at this node?
- Add contacts to the contact list - Contacts will be added to the selected contact list.
- Overwrite existing list with contacts who arrived at this node (even with single contacts) - The selected list will be overwritten with contacts arriving at this node even if only a single contact arrives at it.
- Remove contacts from the contact list - Contacts will be removed from the selected contact list.
The Update contact list node uses the name of the contact list as key, meaning that the program cannot update itself if the selected contact list is renamed. Therefore, you have to manually enter the new name of the contact list into the node in all relevant programs, otherwise a new contact list will be created with the old name.
For more information on when to use this node, see Use cases for the Update contact list node.
Send SMS
If you are using the SMS channel, you will also see this node. Here you can select an SMS message which will be sent to contacts as soon as they arrive at the node.
You can only select SMS campaigns:
- that use the Using an Automation Center program recipient source settings and
- the status of which is Ready to Launch.
Digital Ads - Add to Audience
If you are using Digital Ads, you will also see this node. It adds contacts who pass through it to the selected Digital Ads audience.
We don't recommend inserting a Wait node between the Digital Ads - Add to Audience and Remove from Audience nodes if you are using exit criteria in your Automation Center program because the program checks whether contacts fulfill these conditions after each Wait node. Otherwise, it may happen that contacts who passed through the Digital Ads - Add to Audience node will continue to see your Digital Ads campaign even after being removed from the program due to exit criteria.
Digital Ads - Remove from Audience
If you are using Digital Ads, you will also see this node. It removes contacts who pass through it from the selected Digital Ads audience.
Mobile Engage push message
If you are using the Mobile Engage channel, you will also see this node. In it you can select a push message which will be sent to contacts as soon as they arrive at the node.

Direct Mail
If you are using the Offline Mail channel, you will also see this node. In it you can select a direct mail (print) campaign which will be sent to contacts as soon as they arrive at the node.
This feature is currently on general release for clients in the UK and Germany/Austria/Switzerland, for deliveries within the EU.
If you are located outside these regions but interested in this product, please speak to your Success Manager.
Web Channel - add
If you are using Web Channel, you will also see this node. It adds contacts who pass through it to the selected Web Channel campaign.
When adding a Web channel - add node to your program, please consider the following recommendations:
- Only the following Web Channel campaigns are available for selection:
- Where the recipient source is set to Automation Center.
- For Automation Center programs, you can only add running Web Channel campaigns.
- Active Web Channel campaigns the start date of which is on the specific day or in the past (i.e. that are already running). You cannot select scheduled Web Channel campaigns because their start date is in the future.
- Automation Center cannot manage the status of Web Channel campaigns. For this reason, you need to activate a Web Channel campaign before adding it to an Automation Center program.
- You can use multiple Web Channel campaigns in a single Automation Center program.
- A single Web Channel campaign can be used in multiple Automation Center programs.
- For Interactions, you can also add a Web Channel campaign that is activated, but not yet running.
- All contacts passing through a Web Channel - add node must go through a Web Channel - remove node, too. We recommend inserting a Quick filter, Wait, Participation check node or another kind of filter node between the Web Channel nodes that checks whether contacts fulfilled a specific requirement before they are removed from the Web Channel campaign.
- We don't recommend inserting a Wait node between the Web Channel - add and remove nodes if you are using exit criteria in your Automation Center program because the program checks whether contacts fulfill these conditions after each Wait node. Otherwise, it may happen that contacts who passed through the Web Channel - add node will continue to see your Web Channel campaign even after being removed from the program due to exit criteria.
- Make sure that your Web Channel campaign does not contain any unacknowledged errors. For more information, see Fixing unacknowledged errors in active Web Channel campaigns. For more information, see Creating a Web Channel campaign for Automation Center.
Web Channel - remove
If you are using Web Channel, you will also see this node. It removes contacts who pass through it from the selected Web Channel campaign.
Mobile Engage Inbox message
You can send inbox notifications to your mobile application with this node.
- To use the Mobile Engage Inbox message node, Mobile Engage needs to be enabled on your account.
- You can only select Inbox campaigns using the Automation Recipient Source that are launched.
- Inbox campaigns that are not yet launched are not displayed in the drop-down.
Mobile in-app
To use the Mobile in-app channel, you need to have the Mobile Engage Android SDK or iOS SDK.
You can react to your contacts' behavior within your mobile application or share important moments with them by using the Mobile in-app channel.
If your in-app campaign's audience is a segment and a contact within the Automation Center program reaches the Mobile in-app - add node, then this contact will be added to the audience even if they were not included in the original segment.
- To use a mobile in-app campaign in the Automation Center, select the Audience recipient source.
- The When should the campaign be triggered? scheduling settings of your in-app campaign determine when the campaign will be shown to your contacts.
- When configuring the frequency settings of your In-app campaign, please consider that these settings can stop an In-app campaign being shown to your contacts even if the campaign is part of an Interactions program.
Mobile in-app - add
This node adds contacts passing through it to the selected in-app campaign.
You can select only in-app messages that are activated and use the Audience recipient source.

Mobile in-app - remove
This node removes contacts passing through it from the selected in-app campaign.
You can select only in-app messages that are activated and use the Audience recipient source.

Mobile Wallet
If you are using the Mobile Wallet channel, you will also see this node. You can select a Mobile Wallet campaign and trigger the sending of the campaign to the contacts, as soon as they arrive at the node, and they have the corresponding Mobile Pass downloaded.
For more information, see the Mobile Wallet campaigns.

Web Push message
You can send Web Push messages to your contacts.
- To use the Web Push message node, Web Push needs to be enabled on your account.
- You can only select Web Push messages using the Automation Recipient Source that are launched.
- Web Push messages that are not yet launched are not displayed in the drop-down.