This article provides you information for setting up In-app campaigns for sending to user groups across multiple mobile platforms and devices.
As a quick reminder, here is the onboarding video about Mobile Engage In-App Messaging:
Enabling In-app
In-app needs to be enabled explicitly for each app. To do so, follow the steps below:
- Go to Channels > Mobile Engage > In-app Messages.
- Edit the app by clicking on the Details icon (pencil) symbol on the right side.
- Click the Enable button under the In-app Messages section.
In-app Messages tab
To navigate to In-app Messages, go to Channels >Mobile Engage > In-app Messages tab. On this tab you can see details of all your In-app messages listed with their Name, Recipient Source, Status, App name, In-app Type, campaign Priority, the date it was Created and last Changed. Filtering/searching features are available, the Show only active messages option will omit all messages that are finished or cancelled from the list.
An In-app message can have one of the following statuses:
- In design - Some content or settings are still missing.
- Launched - In-app campaign has been launched and it is active.
- Paused - The In-app campaign is not displayed to contacts and you can edit its name, content and scheduling settings while the campaign is paused.
- Canceled - An already launched campaign has been called off.
- Finished - In-app campaign has finished and no longer active.
An already launched in-app message campaign cannot be canceled if it is used by an active Automation Center or Interactions program.
Launched in-app message campaigns can be edited. You can modify the content, scheduling settings and the frequency of updating audience from the segment of an active in-app message, unless the scheduled date was not in the past.
In-app Type
There are 2 possible In-app types, Overlay or Inline.
- Overlay - The In-app campaign is displayed over the entire screen and must be interacted with to navigate back to app screen.
- Inline - The In-app campaign is displayed in a predefined section of the screen.
- On-Event Action - The In-app campaign is not displayed, but it triggers an application event instead.
The Priority defines the order of which the campaigns are displayed to contacts. When a contact is part of multiple campaign audiences, the result is the campaign with the highest priority is displayed. The highest priority setting is 1.
To adjust the priority setting of a campaign, click on Set Priority. Followed by selecting the campaign, then use the up/down icons to configure the priority level. Once the update is complete, click the Finish Prioritizing button to save the changes.
Creating a new In-app message
There are multiple options for creating an In-app message: Overlay Message, Inline Message and On-Event Action Message.