Web or Browser Push Notifications are notifications that can be sent to your customers via their desktop or mobile browser even if the user is not on your website.
With the power to reach 80% of all internet users and with an average CTR of 15% (rising as high as 30% in some cases) it is a channel that should be added to your existing marketing mix if it is not already.
As with other channels, Web Push can be used to welcome new users who create an account on your site. In this use case, we’ll look at how you can set-up a simple campaign to provide a welcome offer to new users on sign-up and send a personalized Web Push to do so.
- Increase revenue
- Increase loyalty
- Drive first purchase
Required Features:
- Web Push
- Interactions (or Automation Center)
- External Events (optional)
High level use case flow
Create the Web Push message;
- Link to the correct domain.
- Link to the Automation Center (this will make it available in Interactions).
- Add content including any images and Action Buttons.
- Include personalisation.
- Click Ready to Launch.
Not all browsers support Action Buttons. Therefore, it is always a good idea to add a default action when creating your Web Push message. In this case, depending on what the Welcome offer is, you could link to the relevant section of the site or direct to your bestselling items.
Create the Automation Center/Interactions journey;
- Use a New Contact node as the trigger (or utilise an External Event as the trigger in an Interactions journey).
- Add a Wait Node.
- Add a Web Push message node and selected the previously created Web Push message.
A New Contact node may be simpler to use, but a 10-minute Wait Node is recommended before adding a message node as it can take a few minutes for the database to synchronize.
For a more ‘real-time’ trigger it may be better to use an External Event at the point a user finishes the account creation process on the site.
Web Push message creation
- From the Web Push tab select create Web Push Campaign.
- Fill in the General Settings, giving the message a name, linking the message to a domain, and choosing whether to target a Segment or in this case an Automation Center.

- Create the Web Push message on the Content Creation screen add images, pull in personalization if required and add Action Buttons if desired.

Remember that Banner Images are not supported on all browsers.
For example, Chrome on Apple Mac will not display the banner image so consider this when creating your Web Push message.
This is controlled by the browsers, not Emarsys.
If you include Action Buttons in your Web Push message remember they are displayed differently on different browsers.
Some will offer a dropdown whilst others will display the buttons directly as seen in the UI, so consider whether you need Action Buttons and how it may appear for anyone who does not see the buttons.
As with the above this is controlled by the browser, not Emarsys. Additionally, some browsers do not support Action Buttons (see earlier TIP on always including a Default Action).
Automation Center
- From the Automation menu select Automation, click Create Program, then select Audience-focused journeys (Automation Center).
- Select the trigger for the AC program, a New Contact node in this case.
- Add a Wait Node of at least 10 minutes (see earlier TIP for details).
- Add a Web Push Message node and select the previously created message.
- Activate the program.

You may want to extend the journey by adding a Wait Node of 24 - 48 hours and checking whether a purchase has been made by the customer.
If they haven’t, send a Web Push message (and/or use additional channels) reminding them to use their first purchase offer.
If they have made a purchase send an email thanking them and looking to upsell additional products and drive second purchase. This could look something like the below.